[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ukezWx4.png[/img][/center] Delays... Always the delays. One could argue that had these delays not happened the rebels would have been defeated in a matter of minutes. The delays though came from one particular source of agitation. The battle on Scarif... Less than half an hour ago, Lord Vader had stood there, watching as the rebel ship escaped with what he could only expect to be the Death Star plans. A moment later, due to the ineptitude of his crew, or worse, the ineptitude of the officers, a rebel ship had crashed full force into the side of the only vessel capable of pursuit. The repair took over an hour to the engine, not a significant time but far more than preferred when one was in hot pursuit of a rebel vessel. In the rest of the time, Vader had made work of the other rebels on the ship, passing time by torture, or through lightsaber. As another rebel, by this point having surrendered completely to the dark lord of the sith, fell to the floor in two halves, Vader had grown... Bored. Bored is the right word for all this. In the years since his transformation, everything had become so tiresome. A pattern. Rebellions started, and soon they ended. But Vader all this time had nothing. No true goal in his life. There was nothing ahead of him but another rebellion to crush... "How... Tiresome." In truth, the only entertainment he had these days was the politics. The aspirations of imperial soldiers or generals. Like Director Krennic. A man with so many lofty goals that he'd choked to death on them. Shame to be honest. He fought enemies far more powerful, and when he should have bowed, he barked. Vader would have enjoyed seeing more of him, but some things... Just can't be fixed. "Is the ship finally ready to begin pursuit?" Vader said, turning to one of the officers who stood besides him. The way he spoke made it clear anything other than a yes would be punished with death. "Well, just a few more calculations. Over 98% of the repairs are done but we still have to calculate their jump route." The officer said, speaking even faster when he saw the dark lord's hand grip down onto his saber. "BUT, we suspect they took a route that would place them easily on the course of Tatooi-" The blade passed through his neck before even Vader realized what he had done. He turned, looking down to the body without even a hint of sorrow. "Troopers, dispose of the body. We shall make our way to Tatooine as soon as preparations are done." Another day... Another rebellion.