[h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytw69BZPqkw]Sato Hashimoto // Sadaomi Beach[/url][/h3] Now, Sato [i]felt[/i] super cool dashing around and shooting people with a gun. He was weirdly [i]reaaallly[/i] into it. To the point where he aggressively screamed at every major firefight he got into, but by the time they were all done with shooting water everywhere, a heavy sobriety hung over him and the realization of what the hell he was doing slowly sunk in as they made a pile of water guns for Megumi to deal with. As she did that, the group decided that they'd go and grab food. Sato didn't really have any money to buy more food, but he didn't really feel like relying on Kotori and the others for their packed lunches. It felt weirdly skeevy for some reason, so instead Sato turned to Mako and tugged on his wrist. "Come on, let's go check out the shops. I'm wondering if there's anything good here..." He started off towards the market street, smelling all the food the stalls were cooking up for the crowd gathering in front of them. With the hunger rolling over all the people at the beach, though, came those places that were mysteriously empty looking compared to every part of the place. After grabbing something to eat (for free, for Sato), the two returned to the group, the circle of people forming a beach picnic kinda vibe. "Hey, just..." Sato sighed and looked over at the crowd of people all around them. Watching them all bustle around was weirdly calming to Sato. "I'm just wondering what's gonna happen after this is all over. I mean, school and the investigation team and everything. I'm going to university in Tokyo if everything works out, but... What are you gonna do, Mako?" [@EnterTheHero]