Sharee had been listening to the exchange between the Breton and the Bosmer girl while she was looting the corpses. He seemed to be taking care of the cuts and bruises she had sustained, so at least Sharee wouldn't have to worry about dealing with that. The bodies did have sort of a decent amount of gold on them, 23 coins, but it wasn't near as much as she was hoping for. She could at least take the horses back to town and sell them for a good profit, though one of them was currently laying on the ground exhausted due tot he poison she had used, and the Bosmer wasn't doing much better. She seemed exhausted and was barely able to give any attention to the Breton man. Normally, Sharee wouldn't care, but she was rather impatient to get back to town, and she wanted to know how much of a reward this Bosmer would be giving her for the rescue. Sharee walked up to the other two, looking down on the Bosmer as she though about how she wanted to approach this.The poison had obviously fatigued the girl, and Sharee did have a potion in her bag that could remedy that, but she didn't know if she wanted to just give it away. Of course, ingredients for stamina potions were common and cheap, and she really didn't want to have to wait until the Bosmer had rested up to talk to her, so Sharee eventually decided it was a worthwhile sacrifice. "It looks like she got caught in a poison I used to take out the slavers. Drain stamina, non lethal, but effective at bringing your opponent to a standstill. Here, I got something that will fix that." Sharee said as she removed a vial filled with a green liquid and offered it to the Bosmer girl. As she wanted to make a good impression to maximize her potential reward, she was maintaining a very friendly, caring demeanor. If her time as an assassin had taught her anything, it was how to be a good actor. "I didn't mix it with water, so it'll taste like rat urine, but it'll give you a pretty great boost of energy."