What the disciple of Idea expressed was correct. “No one has ever wished to help the Val’gara and not become one,” but in reference to the intrinsic nature of the Val’gara, no one has ever had the luxury of choosing. Throughout history, they had one mission, one goal, and one purpose. When were they ever complacent in any venture? The dependence on other races needed to end. It could all be solved with one action, one decision, and one order. Turning back to the creature that symbolized the mouthpiece, Megalodon and his counterpart were mystified. Not because he should have been slain, but because they were torn. Before Caorthannach there was the Disciple, but in this instance, he overlooked the meddling nature of a literal demon. This was incomprehensible. Who should the duo pledge their allegiance to? They should not have to choose. In one final outcry, Amphriprioninae spoke out of exasperation. “Disciple, can you not see? Can you not sense the foulness in intent the oozes from each pour of his devilish body? No need to leave it to chance. There should be no reason why you don’t take this fiend and bring him to your knees, bend him to the will of Idea and reconcile your sins by giving the control of the Val’gara back to us. Take control as only you can. With four heralds by your side, call upon the first unified harvest since Idea abandoned us. It is our will, it is our destiny. We must take Soran!” Whereas the fish eagerly awaited a response, Megalodon appeared to be withholding some sort of pain. There was a clear sense the creature was holding something in. The stress, the strain, it was getting to him. His suffrage was in fact choreographed by his partner in attempt to gain footing. A disturbance was present within the belly of the marine beast. The void within him housed an array of things. Many of which, were gathered throughout his journey through colossus’ core. A school of once-dormant cnidarian invertebrates received the signal they had been searching for. Megalodon opened his maw to considerable lengths, regurgitating an upsurge of living organisms. Amphriprioninae retrieved a sea of Val’garan Brainsramblers from his counterpart’s stomach. There was nothing, and then there were at least thirty of these jellyfish surrounding the Herald in an instant. The Brainscramblers in sync with his mind quickly gained a sense of the world and situation they were in. Due to their innate ability to locate sources of psionic and ethereal power, it made countering the rampant beasts more than manageable. Without delay, a powerful field in all directions projected within a ten-kilometer radius from the cluster, disrupting and distorting the psionic senses, abilities, and powers of everything unrelated to the hive mind. This part-ethereal part-psionic EMP whisked away all concentration Agron and Sarach could muster. Even if their attack did not fizzle away, they would lack the ability to get near Megalodon as a moving target. They or any other lingering entity would be able to properly target the duo. Even without their presence, at basis Megalodon was simply faster, and given his distance simply lead them on an endless chase. "Caorthannach are you watching?" No, Amphriprioninae was alone. And thus, the future of the Val’gara weighed on the disciple’s decision. He harkened to what was about to be said. Much alluded to an answer the fish did not desire to hear. Much alluded to tragedy… Much alluded to a transfer of power that would be felt across the entirety of the multiverse.