[b][center]Shinri Rai[/b][/center] [b][center]Kirigakure Genin[/b][/center] Rai listened to the orders without a word spoken. He was not fond of taking orders, but Mika-Sensei somehow managed to gain his respect. He was not sure about it himself, but it was that way. The woman know her way about assassination and he could not picture her hesitate in making the kill, and that was something he respected. Being an assassin in training, he decided he will carry out her orders to the last point. After all, he could learn a lot from her. As for the part of not obstructing each other, Rai almost scoffed. He got used to working alone, but three new persons could not do that much harm, now could they? Certainly not. And if all else fails, Rai can still use them to draw attention from himself while he is doing his bloody work, as he calls it sometimes. He returned to reality just as Mika-Sensei was explaining their mission to them. A group of bandits should not be that hard of a task for them to accomplish. He had no idea about the skills and abilities Haru and Chou possessed, but something told him they will be skilled enough. The other thing was if they were prepared to take out the bandits. He was sure he was going to kill again - the rush of adrenaline and fear he felt every time he did so was terrifying and satisfying at the same time. But he wanted to be an assassin - and assassins do their job. No questions asked, no answers told. Just the job. He took a deep breath and decided to ask away. [b][center]" Mika-sensei, is lethal force authorized?"[/b][/center]