[hider=Khaar][center][b][h1]EXPANDING HORIZONS[/h1] [h3]Character Sheet[/h3][/b] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/270/874/large/rocky-leaw-space-pirate-copy.jpg?1416561303[/img] [b][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EInfY-RUvSs]KHAAR HATUR TUBYR[/url][/h1] [h3][i]Autarch Supreme of the Dominion of Entur[/i][/h3][/b] [quote=Khaar Hatur Tubyr][i]There is no nation, kingdom, nor empire, that will stand in my path. All will bow, all will kneel, and no king, emperor, or president, shall escape me. All shall belong to Entur; all shall belong to ME.[/i][/quote][/center] [h3]INFLUENCE[/h3] [i]5 (Global); Khaar wields incredible power. As the founder of the [b]Dominion of Entur[/b] and as its supreme sovereign, his abilities go beyond question. Wielding the full might of the entire Dominion's military at his whim, Khaar also wields exceptional destructive powers of his own. Due to his metallic carapace and his incredible skill in combat, he donns the moniker of [b]War Machine[/b]. As such, he is capable of domainting any global environment, be it through his influence or through his direct intervention. His power has, however, lead to hubris on numerous an occation, leading to defeats and silly decisions that otherwise would've been easy to redeem. His hunger for power goes without saying, and is often derogatorily referred to as the [b]Emperor of Greed[/b] by those who talk behind his back. All becomes silent, however, when in his presence, few daring to voice their remarks to his ears directly.[/i] [h3]GROUP[/h3] [i][b]The Dominion of Entur[/b] (awaiting approval)[/i]. [h3]DESCRIPTION[/h3] [i]Beyond his metal skin lies the body of a Haturite; a species of alien long since destroyed by simple matters of famine and cosmic destruction. As the last of his kind, he wields the title of Hatur Tubyr; the last of the Hatur, with great pride, and seeks to redeem his peoples and their dream of dominion through his acts in this life. However, he did not go without strife of his own, and during the downfall of his peoples, he himself retained cataclysmic damage. Now entombed within his metallic carapace, in fear of his body quite simply just melting apart due to his unique bodily chemistry, he now lives and donns the life of a machine and tool for domination. His mask, however, capable of parting its protective shields and showing the face of the Absolute Ruler, would reveal a strange and ominous glare from a being not similar to any other [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/959/351/large/jihun-lee-josh2.jpg?1502577859]lifeform[/url], severely lacking in empathetic forms of morality. [b]Height[/b]: 8'2'', 254 cm (in armour); lacking definitive form (without armour). [b]Weight[/b]: 1594lbs, 723 kg (in armour); 12lbs, 5.5 kg (without armour). [b]Age[/b]: 101 years, 6 months.[/i] [h3]POWERS[/h3] [i] [b]( #5 - Global ) Cosmic Manifestation[/b]: Khaar Hatur Tubyr, Autarch Supreme of the Dominion of Entur, wields massive power. His foremost and most universal skill being Cosmic Manifestation; the ability to construct light, darkness, and other cosmic forces in his surrounding. This skill could manifest itself in any form of a laser to a speck of dust accelerated to supersonic speeds following the mimicry of meteors and other space debris. Through Cosmic Manifestation he is also able to envoke other, more powerful aspects, but those are regarded as seperate abilities altogether. [b]( #5 - Global ) Stellar Construction[/b]: The Absolue Ruler, in his awe and glory, is capable of summoning the powers of the stars themselves to his beckon in miniaturized form. In this sense, he is capable of eveloping himself in a stellar shield for short periods of time (due to the heat) and construct black holes within his palms. All of these powers do not exclude the natural forces of which all of these objects entail, each and every one of his abilities affecting gravity, and similar forces indirectly.[/i] [b]( #5 - Global ) The Engine of Domination[/b]: As the last of the Hatur, and possibly the only individual capable of doing what he desires, the enormous ambition and the necessary dedication it entails absorbs Khaars very being, turning him into a single-minded, self-centered, and extremely stubborn Warlord of unequalled parrallel. His ambition is, in fact, so significant, and so pronounced, that it, in fact, empowers him through unholy sorceries, being able to briefly copy opponents' abilities and use them against his opposition, tossing their power aside, leading him to have to capture it once more. [h3]ITEMS[/h3] [i]Include this section if your character has any unique or significant items. If not, omit it. ( influence # ) Item 1 Name -- item 1 description. Items are optional, but if you have any, include influence #, name, and description.[/i] [h3]BACKGROUND[/h3] [i]Tell us about your character's past, goals, or anything else you feel we should know about them.[/i][/hider]