[center] [img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/white%20hair/Kogitsunemaru.600.1843273_zpslpkveajj.jpg[/img] KYUBEROS 70 years old 14/03/1075 ✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby. I got yo flower.” After the attempted assassination of Prince Belzeneff, Valiant and the other Protectors banded together and created Kyuberos from their magic. His original task was to stay with Belzeneff and protect him from any danger he may face, but once he was crowned King, Belzeneff assigned him a new one. He was to visit other worlds and coax humans into offering their souls to him and in return they would gain a small amount of magical abilities. Or sometimes he would simply grant a wish for them, and then harvest their souls afterwards. Kyuberos then recycles the collected souls into magical energy and when he's full, he returns to Wiz to feed Belzeneff the magical power. He is one of the few beings that know about the King's lack of magical ablitiy so he tries his hardest to find enough energy for him. So in some ways, Kyuberos is Belzeneff's battery supply. However, as Prince Bellerophon started to grow up, Kyuberos was commanded to watch over him. Since Belzeneff can't stand his first two children, and is constantly paranoid that they will kill him in his sleep, most of his hope rests on Bellerophon's shoulders to become the next King and he is determined to keep him safe. Watching over the Prince took away alot of Kyuberos' time and he wasn't able to collect as many souls as he usually did, so he created tiny creatures, most of which resemble cats, to go out and collect the souls for him. Because he is made up completely of magical energy, Kyuberos has an unlimited amount, but his undying loyalty to the Royal family is why he doesn't have a collar like his creator. To this day, Kyuberos still watches over Bellerophon and the two have a friendly relationship. Although his main loyalty is to the King, he won't hesitate to lay down his life for the sake of Bellerophon. He also holds his flower when he goes to whoop some ass. But when he isn't with the prince, he's usually out collecting souls himself, with the King, or making sure all is well in Wiz. He sometimes serves as a surviellence camera for the King and informs him of any strange activity in the Kingdom. Kyuberos' soul is still permanently connected to the King, despite being Bellerophon's guardian, so they can telepathically speak to one another at any time, even if Kyuberos is in another world. Also, much like the archangels in Supernatural, if Belzeneff is in threatened or is in the same room as a potential threat, no matter what he's doing or where he is, Kyuberos will instantly appear and neutralize the threat. He has three alternate forms that he can switch into, a white haired human without the ears, a small cat like one of his minions, or a large dog the size of a bus, with sharp teeth and a jaw that locks. One would think that Kyuberos had the power to track down the Traitor, but even he can't find Valente's whereabouts, but his little minions, called Nyankos, are currently on the look out for him too. As for his feelings towards the rest of the Black family, he mostly ignores them and let them do their own thing. If King Belzeneff hasn't ordered him to do so, he won't even look at the rest of the Princes and Princesses twice. ALSO: He owns a store in the human world, which he often visits, and goes under the alias Angel. The main purpose of the shop is collect human souls by granting people's wishes. The wishes vary from minor to life changing, and the more extravagant the wish is, the faster Kyuberos will collect the soul. If asked, he will inform the client about the consequences beforehand, but if not, he will let it be a surprise. He has two men working for him named Ethan and Rodrigo, and they both exhibit supernatural abilities, which is why he keeps them around. In exchange for their service, he allows them to live in his drug store. His other purpose for being in the human world is to keep an eye on all the exiled wizards that Belzeneff has sent there. He just makes sure that they keep their mouth shut and don't cause any trouble, and, of course, he can never grant any of their wishes incase they intend to harm the King out of revenge or something to that degree. He's been keeping a special eye on Aelita, Belisario's mother, under Belzeneff's instructions. [/center] [center][hider=family & friends] Creators - Valiant Dionte Mancini & Pemperknackle Leonarto Abernathy & Jenessa Rasiel Siblings - Kyuubee Friends: Belzeneff Black - King and looks after him Bellerophon - Friend and serves as a Protector to Milton (dark hour) - Longtime friend Rodrigo Armando (nta) - Friend Ethan (nta) - Friend Seraphim (nta) - Friend [/hider][/center]