[center][b]Takeshi Shun Dew Islet[/b][/center] Takeshi watched as his third student sauntered slowly up to the islet. From the boy's pace it was obvious that he was taking his time. Letting out a small sigh, Takeshi shook his head. He was going to have to change that. Laziness was not to be tolerated, unless of course it was by him... then it was okay. Turning his attention back to the two fighting students, Takeshi noticed that they were stopping their sparring match. So they had noticed the other boy show up. Sighing to himself, Takeshi stood. [i]I suppose now is as good a time as any[/i] he thought to himself as he began moving through the mist towards the islet and his new students. As he moved forwards, a thought occurred to him. Smiling devilishly, he gathered lightning in his fist and sent a low powered chidori spear towards the student who had shown up late. The attack would miss the student, by a hair, but it would certainly startle him. With that, Takeshi continued on his way towards the islet.