[quote=@Almalthia] She really shouldn't have started that song. It was one that she and her "Prince" did and they had little side comments that no one would be able to follow. It was her favorite Christmas carol but she couldn't help it something about tonight struck a chord in her. Seeing him tickle the ivories sent her back years to society parties and spending them at a piano or in a library, art gallery or a secluded corner with her "Prince". Talking about what they wanted to do with their life rather than what their parents wanted them to do. He had given her the courage to be upfront with her parents and tell them she wanted to study art and to paint. This whole thing of not being able to remember his real name was starting to piss her off but she'd ask her parents later once she met up with them. [/quote] *Sits here silently imagine my character has her prince* ...... *starts plotting a the story arch* can i make this cannon with my character?