Topic Two: Being Bored I write this because I am bored and need to do something. So, this usually happens when I am waiting for a reply from a partner or when I can't find a good rp to join. At the current moment I don't have many rp's as some were dropped and others just seemed to die. I hate it when they just die and where really good and enjoyable rp's. I really want to write and have a good time with my rp partners but alas I have no rp's to join and must continue my search. I find this to be the boring and gruelling part as during the search when you find an rp idea you like you then contact the person to make sure it is open and if they would like to rp. Then you must wait for the potential partner to contact you back and say nay or yay to your request. Making up the rp can be fun if your partner is as into it as you are. As you can probably tell I am just talking about random things, but that comes with being bored. I think I will edit this later (lol) Again you are welcome to comment and so on :)