[hider=Level 3: Brennan Griese - Moon Walk] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oBJ38oL.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] BraonĂ¡n Ailill Griese [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Brennan, Irish Bastard [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Uncharged][img]https://static.zerochan.net/Heiwajima.Shizuo.full.1019468.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Charged][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6181/b39dfbe7076c1480880f406dffd5cb913ed1d82b_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] Brennan is clearly not native to Academy City; he lacks any Japanese ancestry to speak of. In fact, when he arrived in Academy City eight years ago as a young trust fund lad with a bottomless pit of a savings account and a rowdy temper, there were rumors that he was somehow connected to the still-burgeoning Irish organized crime scene. Brennan himself is mum on his family's money or his history in the old country. What is important is that, for all his endless attitude issues and bratty nature, he proved himself highly adaptable and even eager in a classroom setting. His grades soared in the competitive district he attended middle school in, and this intellectual prowess, combined with his financial resources and his zealous love of aviation and spaceflight, led to him attending school in District 23 when it came time for his high school years. His academic supremacy found itself threatened, however slightly, upon arrival in District 23 however. Sharing his first year [i]and[/i] second year classes with his rival, an otherwise-friendless robot otaku by the name of Kawaguchi, proved to be one of the highlights of Brennan's stellar high school career. It was only in the third year, when their homeroom teacher genially suggested that they work together on an entry for the worldwide Venus Probe Contest, that their differences finally came to a head. Brennan, as the lifelong space enthusiast and charismatic lynchpin of his year, obviously felt entitled to being called head researcher on the probe; the friendless otaku disagreed, and the passions and differences between the two flared up within days of working together. They haven't cooled since. As of now, the probe is nearing completion faster and faster by the day. [b]Personality:[/b] There is clearly something ticking the wrong way in Brennan Griese. He seems to act as if he's the centerpiece of his own gangster movie, a hypercompetitive jock living by a strict code of honor in his personal and academic lives but reacting with frothing, white-hot rage when he is treated with dishonor in turn. A fiercely proud individual who will react to the faintest of slights with vandalism and butchery, Brennan has been a rough-and-tumble individual who possesses the charm to turn enemies into friends but lacks the emotional self-control to refrain from beating them into a bloody heap first. Renowned in his high school as a violent force of nature, it's a moniker he owns proudly. Internally, however, even the violent youngster has a privately tender nature. Brennan has a precocious fascination with science, particularly technology and space. It was this passion that united him with his greatest rifle, and the person closest to him in Academy City; both students, obsessive and competitive as they are, made common cause and grew close while working on their design for the Venus Probe Contest ([s]Sapphire Jubilee[/s] [s]Blue Destiny[/s] [s][i]SAPPHIRE JUBILEE[/i][/s]), and the Irishman's glee in provoking both ends of the tsundere's mood is generally palpable whenever the two are together. The positive relationships he's formed in Academy City, especially with this student in particular, have dulled the razors at the edges of his personality. In these calmer moments, Brennan has honed his natural mile-a-minute tendencies into the less violent art of the sales pitch, proving himself to be an open and gifted communicator in groups - if a bit terrifying and overly brash when asserting himself against foes. [b]Esper Power:[/b] Moon Walk. Brennan is able to absorb the kinetic energy of objects or attacks being thrown at him and store it within his own body. For a time, he will appear to be physically supercharged, resulting in a slight increase in his natural capabilities, but in short order he will release that kinetic energy into another object, overclocking it and supercharging its own natural motion. [b]Skills:[/b] Gifted with the silver tongue of a born salesman and promoter, engineering acumen, and the leadership skills necessary to survive in the battle royale of the boardroom. Will probably end up a tech entrepreneuer in his own right someday. Loves to fight. Loves to scream. Getting tsunderes hot under the collar. He's spent much of the last year learning how to cook for himself. [b]Extra:[/b] Lives in a spacious student apartment with Kawaguchi Umeko and her plamo in District 23.[/hider]