[quote=@SleepingSilence] I don't want to use the "exposure" card. Because that's what people do to youtuber's when they make 'reaction videos', and I find that practice far more insidious, because money is often being made. I find art usage more often a harmless crime, that everyone who has ever used the internet has committed. If they prove their work is there's and make a polite request to the person with the copyrighted material. The other person will likely and should replace it. It's just called being a good person at that point. But every person who acts self-righteous about it, doesn't earn my sympathy and is very likely a hypocrite, even if it is a more personal picture. If it's being used on a random roleplaying forum, you bet your behind it's being used elsewhere too. I'm not saying that's right, but I'm saying it's something you have to be aware will happen submitting your work, especially on an art sharing site. You need to be careful, you can act like your life is private all you want. But in this day and age people are willingly giving all their information the moment they use google, facebook, post a picture anywhere at all. Etc. The rest comes down to being civil and a good person. Least that's my thoughts on the matter. I actually have had art before, commission and paid for by me. Some random person on the internet used it and eventually after talking with him, he edited the colors and used it as his own, until he eventually had money to buy his own art. And he thanked me for it. Someone who was an asshole, who drew comic about murdering me (twice), stole music that I created and used a sarcastic picture of mine on their hate blog of me. (The glory days of being e-famous.) And you know what I lost? Absolutely nothing. So I'm actually not a hypocrite, if people post art I paid for. I don't mind at all, because I've never felt that deeply connected to art or things like that to be an asshole about it. [i]Not calling you that, although...[/i] That "I'm rubber, your glue" attack doesn't really hold much weight. Because you proved my point already didn't you? You didn't need to change the image, -I wasn't the user- and yet you did anyway right away. (Though likely to Streisand Effect yourself.) You weren't even apologetic or sorry about it, you blamed me for pointing out your hypocrisy, which it wasn't an attack. It was a factual statement. My simple point is, I wasn't judging that I know you. I'm saying you shouldn't be judging hundreds of people, whom are likely kids that aren't doing anything on purpose to you, or the person you're attacking in defense for. I'm saying, I believe that you care about artists you know and want to support. Like everyone who made a similar comment to yours, however be very well aware how easy it is to make that mistake yourself. Be a little more graceful to people who are trying to be respectful back. (Act like you currently are toward me, and it's not a wonder you were ignored.) [/quote] I do care for the artists like you said, and I do have a tendency to flip my bitch switch when it’s not needed, and it’s something I’m working on. I’m sorry if I came off rude, but you gotta imagine how painful it is, to work so hard on something, then have someone just take it and use it, without any thought of how you would feel about it, and not even bothering to credit. As an artist that’s all I would ask of people who use my art, so to see someone NOT do that, and seeing people who have done that to me on multiple occasions, it’s become a HUGE pet peeve for me.