[b]Sorry, VRU is full and no longer accepting new characters.[/b] [center][b]Villains "R" Us[/b][/center] [center][I]We are villains. We are what you make us out to be Freaks? Monsters? Inhumane killers? Then, that is what we shall be.[/I] ((If you can come up with something better, I will place it here :3))[/center] [hider=Villains "R" Us HQ] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/222/d/9/___Factory____by_wyv1.jpg] [/hider] Genre = Action / Humour / Romance / Semi-slice of life / Sci-fi / Cyberpunk. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/17653/posts/ooc?page=1]Interest Check[/url] [b]~Cast~[/b] [hider=MindWarp (Absolute Grace)][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/215/d/f/blonde_lady_by_sakimichan-d42n7c6.jpg] [b]Real Name:[/b] Susannah Marksin [b]Codename:[/b] MindWarp [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Personality:[/b] What she lacks in physical strength, MindWarp more than makes up for in her cunning intelligence. Everything she does has a purpose, unless she is just angry and finds that her actions need no greater purpose other than venting. Although it will take a lot more than mere words to anger her. MindWarp is rather aloof in temperament, but a remarkable trickster in that she can morph into different personas and use them for her benefit. For example, pleading to have her ‘dearest fathers’ room number and key to set up a surprise birthday party. AKA get an important businessman’s room number and key then steal all-important information and/or set up a self-destructing device for his termination. In her off times, MindWarp contemplates reality and illusion but always comes up with the same response, “what is reality but a higher plane of illusion?” [b]Ability/power/s:[/b] The Ability to warp minds, AKA Mental manipulation + Psionic Inundation = Ability to overload another's mind, causing pain and/or lack of consciousness. +Psionic shockwaves = A devastating Psionic attack that wracks the minds of all nearby foes. Affected foes may be left Disoriented. A second wave may affect motor functions leading to possible paralysis. A third may well be fatal. But she has not been able to create a third. + Illusions = The power to create and manipulate illusions. + Mental shield = Because of her ability of mental manipulation she has an immunity against direct mental attacks, though telepaths could still hypothetically enter her mind, they are most likely to lose their own in the process. [b]Weakness:[/b] Hand to hand combat and brute strength. - Robots = they don’t have a mind to manipulate. -Other mental manipulators. Powers will equal each other out. [b]Extra:[/b] Born in an upstate apartment to wealthy parents, Susannah was often left alone with the house keeper until her parents returned at 5pm. When she was five her brother was born and any attention she might have received from her parents was taken away and replaced. It was also around this time that her powers were coming into effect and she used them to vie for attention. The stronger her powers became the more horrified her parents got until one day they had enough. They sent her with her housekeeper on a trip to the slums but by the afternoon the housekeeper returned alone and was given a substantial amount of pay added to her usual salary. What happened to Susannah after that was anyone’s guess. She doesn't exist in the files of the world. She had been secretly cast out from her family and filed as deceased. She no longer uses her birth name because she believes that she has been reborn into MindWarp. [b]Why choose me?:[/b] Your character should definitely choose mine because well… they are the same character! But I suppose I can tell you how wonderful, amazing and fantastic she is. MindWarp is a notorious trickster (The very best!) and it doesn’t hurt that she is also breathtakingly beautiful. MindWarp, as a notorious trickster has a silver tongue which can be used to get her out of almost any situation without the need to use her ability. How Awesome! Her illusions are so perfect, so precise that they affect even things on a molecular level including hearing and smell. What’s more amazing than that?[/hider] [hider=DarkShadow (Assallya)] [img=http://www.ryanseacrest.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Hayden-Panettiere-900-600.jpg] Real name: Sarah Covenry Codename: Darkshadow Age: 21 Personality: Sarah is a coward, first and foremost. She is also a bully and enjoys having power over others. Slothful and somewhat gluttonous she wants for nothing more than to lounge about in opulence and otherwise enjoy herself. In essence, she represents the litany of the seven deadly sins. Ability/power/s: Umbrakinesis. While it is true that Umbrakinesis is impossible Sarah's power seems to defy that. In truth Sarah in an Ectokinetic, able to summon forth Ectoplasm for a variety of effects. --Darkness Generation: The Ectoplasm summoned can blot out light. --Ectoplasmic Solidification: The Ectoplasm can become walls, spheres, staircases and the like and is fully capable of stopping bullets. --Costume and Weapon Generation: The ectoplasm can cling to Sarah's astral form, guarding her body by converting slashing and piercing attacks into blunt. Bullet's can't go through her but hit her like a supersonic fist and hurts like hell. Weakness: Ectoplasm, being ghostly or ethereal doesn't deal well with sunlight. While she can shroud an entire football stadium in darkness during from dusk to dawn she can barely fill a house with it during a brightly lit day. It also fails completely, in the presence of laser light. Extra: Sarah actually never wanted to become a villain. She was forced into it by a telepath most sinister and powerful. He had her rob a number of banks, helping her from anonymously. Finally, when once the police were on to her identity he dumped her on the side of the road with only a pittance of the money she'd stolen and a hole in her mind which included his identity. She also has a number of telepathic triggers inside her mind, a sleep command, a forget command, a command that readies her mind for a following suggestion and finally a kill switch. Why choose me?: Sarah is a defender, capable of putting up barriers between a group of villains and the police. She can also provide a blinding veil for a quick escape from nearly any hero and, through darkness, sneak into nearly any facility. (The locks are, however, another matter) She also knows she's not a great thinker or planner and likes the idea of having a smart and powerful leader to obey. [/hider] [hider=Red Abyss (Venon)] Appearance: [img=http://darkdamnedsoul.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/6/6/10665796/3802454_orig.jpg?345] While armor is dormant. [img=http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g355/aquajaguar95/Anime/Anime%20Guys%20Edited/Evil-1-1.jpg] Real name:Xyland Lapsa Codename: Red Abyss Age: 28 Personality: Cursed by the armor the character has become an instinctual beast. He can maintain himself well enough, but every second hes resisting his urges the more extreme he becomes once he cuts loose again. Abyss started out resisting but the overwhelming power he was granted with, along with the euphoric adrenaline rush was to much for him to possibly want to resist. When he becomes angry, he loses control to the armor..While the armor is control, overkill does not come close to the blood drenched scenes. In the three instances in which it has occurred, they could not find all the pieces to the victims or the buildings... Ability/power/s: Cursed armor+ offering resistance to most normal weapons. Berserk+ As the situation lingers the stronger Abyss gets. Corrupt blade+ While nothing seems special about it, the blade can not break. A needed weapon to handle the strength of the all consuming Abyss. Weakness: His rage is as much a weakness as it is a strength. When the armor is in control in particular he may as well be a grizzly bear, charging and slashing anything that moves. He is not a tactician, he uses brute strength, and if it doesn't work use more brute strength. His armor is of a magical variety, it can be sealed by special rituals. Rendering him immobile, in a comatose state. Extra: The armor itself was actually made from the melted down guillotines and various other methods of capital punishment. The armor is believed to be the corrupted souls of all those wicked monsters that had been executed with its metals. Reforged as a weapon to crush the holy Grail, nothing about this armor is rainbows and sunshine....Strangely enough the armor tends to pick its own lord, becoming loyal even if the lord has no desire to use it. Just ask King Arthur about Lancelot...And his lovely queen knows far to much about its instinctual nature. Why choose me?: Who doesn't want their own personal Knight? Abyss can be dropped off alone to act as a distraction or keep him around to ensure a successful mission. Complete with more collateral damage than anyone is prepared to deal with. As a being who thrives on crushing anyone underfoot he is also cheap labor, and will not hesitate if his lord told him to kill his own lover..s. His alias tends to be quite the charmer more or less, perhaps the fact that the armor itself has plenty of experience with all forms of sin. Red Abyss awaits your command. [youtube]LIPH6gvt5co[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Virus (Guardian Angel Haruki)] [img=http://www.wallsfeed.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Sunshine-Red-hair.jpg] Real name: Veronica Cordellia Codename: Virus Age: 17 Personality: A woman of very few words, but knows how to get the job done. Will see whatever tasks she started through to the end. However, she may seem a bit blunt when she does talk. She's loyal, so long as the person/people she's dealing with don't try to backstab her. The moment Veronica finds out that one of her 'friends' is going to backstab her, is when she'll make those people regret even thinking about betraying her. Veronica can hold a grudge for a long time, and will make sure that those who wronged her, paid dearly for messing with her. She also has a mischievous side to her. She will often use tactics to embarrass her target when she's giving someone a computer virus. Ability/power/s: Expertise in computers and machines. -Hacking -Bugging, -Manipulate data -Great intuition and aptitude for machines -Can invent her own gadgets for whatever she or the group needs Weakness: -Socializing with people. -Physical combat. She's not very strong in it, but she will have a taser on her to help herself in case of emergencies. -Her actions when it comes to grudges. Extra: Veronica was once an orphan, sent there after her parents were found and arrested for abusing her. However, she was quickly adopted by a cold hearted politician that had an important role in the government. The politician used her and her talents with computers to spy on his enemies and ruin their plans. Everything seemed to go well now that he had Veronica. But, that changed when he was speaking with his friends one night. Veronica overheard him say that she was just a tool to help him achieve his goals and that he didn't love her like a father at all. So, after that, Veronica left, got her adoptive father arrested, and began her own string of crimes. She was able to steal a large sum of money from many people with her viruses and nobody was safe from them. She was soon caught however, by a brilliant detective, and was sent to prison. Her prison is specially designed with no technology. It looks like a regular dungeon from the medieval times. She does not have a crush on anyone. Her arch nemesis is a detective named Simon Holmes. Why choose me?: Society is relying more and more on technology these days. Why use a security guard when you could have a security system that'll sound alarms, lock doors and windows, and call the police once someone activates a trigger? With Virus, she can disable those security systems with a trojan horse virus. There's also a lot of information flying around on the internet. She can gather that information and use it to your advantage. Want to listen on someone's conversation and be one step ahead of your targets or enemies? She can bug them and you can listen in on their conversations. She's also good with machines in general. Need a getaway car right away? She can just get a nearby car working and you can be on your way. Who doesn't want their own little technological genius? [/hider] [hider=Krystaal (ReaptheMusic)] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/176/d/a/half_dragon_half_human_by_theempa-d54s2d2.jpg] Krystaal armor and electroconductive wear: [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1644771-bigthumbnail.jpg] Without armor should the occaision ever arise: [img=http://s1.wallls.com/preview/4/black-rock-shooter-anime-girls-23724.jpg] Real name: Marian Mirrors Codename: Krystaal Age: 25 Personality: When not busy being a sadistic, dominatrix, demure individual who adores watching others suffer, she's a heavy flirt and loves a man in uniform. Especially when she gets to watch the life drain from his eyes. She sees no reason to change her ways, and she does ever so much love to get her hands dirty. Some may prefer to be manipulative to get what they want, she prefers to shed blood rather than whispers. That aside, if ever in the company of someone she doesnt want to hurt, she passes back and forth banter like no other. The last thing she'd do is talk about you behind your back. She's more the... in-your-face-what-the-fuck-did-you-do type. Ability/power/s: After swallowing electromagnetic crystals that were being tested on by mistake, She gained the ability to conduct, and use electricity. Pieces of the crystals that melted in her digestive system were absorbed into her body for nutrients when the chemicals that formed the crystals were absorbed into her blood stream. Particles of the broken down crystals began to reform as they got stuck in her heart cavities, where they reformed. Thus, her heart has an electromagnetic crystal in it conducted through her bodies bloodstream, allowing her to manipulate it at will. She can turn this ability on or off. -Electric whip; she makes a whip out of electricity and uses it to torment her foes. -Stun; can electrocute anyone like a stun gun or tazer can. -Electric Slide; any metal surface she touches can be a conductor of electricity. This includes water. -Energy blasts; pulses of energy shockwave, ranging from being like a bullet to having the intensity of a comet, never are the blasts bigger than her own body. --Lightning strikes; strikes of lightning coming from her hand to strike an opponent -Can fight using assorted weaponry that can also be conducted upon. Weakness: -Can only hit one thing at a time -The crystals get tired after a while, meaning she needs to recharge somehow by zapping herself. This can range from holding an electric fence to being put in the electric chair. -Can't hit anything below ground -The lightning strikes can be deflected by mirrors Extra: Before swallowing the crystals by mistake, Marian was a natural biology student at the University of Quivvand. During a playful experient in the class when they were supposed to be learning to make crystal rock candy, Marian mistook her professors lab experiment for the rock candy. That night she broke into a cold sweat, feeling absolutely ill. It wasn't until that morning that she became restless, always in a hurry, things not going fast enough for her.... the symptoms built up, one after another until finally she went berserk. There was too much energy and she temporarily went insane. She continued like this until she was caught by the man who is now her arch nemesis, Taalunian. As time went by in prison, she learned to control herself.. but still retains that bloodlust she had developed before. She has a crush on Red Abyss, having seen him around the prison (If he is chosen and I hope me and him are) and is not afraid to speak her mind. Why choose me?: [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s0WzJUsDDT2v]“Why, my sweet Susannah… Why would you not want me? Ahaha… you see my dear… you possess… a fine ability, no? Mm, that manipulative ability you hold is… indeed… unfathomable. But I ask you, miss… when you are tied down, backed into a corner, who will have your back then? If all of our hands are bound, who has a long range ability without needing a weapon? Oh but of course you needn’t answer that question dear. You already know. Yes, Krystaal! Krystaal is the answer… to freeing your hands from the dirty work… And burning… everyone in your path.” [/url] [/hider] [hider=Bacchus (Daxam)] Appearance: [img=http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx188/Johnathon_Gilbertson/Anime%20Characters/anime-guy-blood-stained-31000.jpg] Real name: Ethan Taylor Codename: Bacchus Age: 19 Personality: Ethan, for lack of a better word, is insane. He does what he wants, when he wants, however he chooses. If someone can somehow convince him to kill a certain person, he'll do so...as well as anyone else he can kill within a mile radius with wild abandon, even if it's the person who gave him the job. Every moment of every day, his mind is filled with thoughts of violence and debauchery, things he would call the 'little things in life.' Even though it may not seem like it, however, he's still capable of other emotions, such as happiness, anger, and even love. Ability/power/s: Terrakinesis: The ability to manipulate earth and stone to one's will Earthen Craft - The ability to create a wide assortment of objects out of stone, such as weapons Earth Dive - Ethan can slip underground, allowing him to travel unhindered and reemerge from almost anywhere Shrapnel - Creates dozens of small, stone shards that then hurtle towards the target, slicing them to ribbons Weakness: -His insanity often leads him to taking on as many of the toughest-looking people as he can, by himself, while using his offensive prowess as his defense -Ethan cares nothing for stealth. His idea of infiltrating an enemy area is rushing the front gates and making his way through while killing as many people as possible, no matter how many there are or how well-equipped -He tends to toy with his enemies, like a cat with a ball of string. His favorite method is to rough them up a little, then let them go while striking at random times, letting exhaustion get the better of them. This can backfire if his target has a way of calling for backup, or if they manage to lead him into a trap. Why choose me?: "Because you'd be stupid not to. If you decide to leave me to rot in this shithole, I'll break out on my own, hunt you down, and show you just how useless this straitjacket here is by skinning you alive with the dullest, rustiest knife I can find. Then, I'll stick hooks into the bottoms of your feet, hang you from the ceiling and throw salt on you. Afterwards, while you're drawing your last pitiful breaths, I'll turn on some polka music and dance to it with the desiccated corpse of your childhood friend and their dog. But, I won't let you die. I'll find a way to keep you alive so you can go through even worse torments every single day for the rest of your short, miserable life. So, what's it gonna be, friend?" [/hider] [hider=Velocity (Kablamicus)] Appearance: [img=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/104/8/9/89ee722873ad8ea33b7958c68089533f-d3dydch.jpg] Real name: Victor Slate Codename: Velocity Age: 28 Personality: A selfish and pessimistic man Victor spends most of his time when he's not in prison drinking in bars or fighting in bars. Originally only motivated by a twisted sense of justice to bring corrupt officials to their knees Victor started out robbing banks however he has now descended into hedonism acting only to fulfill his own urges. Rash and impulsive Victor prefers to rush into his problems head on punching his way through anything that tries to stop him. Victor has anarchist views believing that if people really want something they should do whatever it takes to get it. Contrary to his reputation Victor is no brute however, he is surprisingly resourceful and isn't one to be fooled, those that try to fool him usually end up with limbs missing. Ability/power/s: Manipulation of kinetic energy: Being able to infuse his blows with energy. Being able to absorb the kinetic energy from his enemies attacks and redirect it into his own. Altering the kinetic energy of the particles within objects causing them to explode. Can store energy from received attacks to release it in his own. Weakness: Has no mental defenses, can only defend against attacks he sees coming. Extra: Victor unwilling served in the military in order to earn enough money to pay for his sister's tuition. For extra pay he would often volunteer for practice with experimental weaponry and medicines, while testing a prototype gun that harnessed the energy around it the weapon malfunctioned altering Victor's very molecular structure and imbuing him with his strange powers. Resigning from the military immediately he took to a life of crime to get back at the establishment for making him into a monster. Victor's cell has specialized walls designed to negate any kinetic energy preventing him from becoming any stronger than an ordinary man. Why choose me?: "Look doll let's get right down to brass tacks here. I'm a brawler, I never back down from a good fight. As long as you keep the action and the money rolling your wish is my command. You got some real fancy pants powers but when it comes to a fist fight there ain't no one better to have at your back than me. Now I'll be honest here, if you double-cross me I'll break your neck...But expect the same for anyone else who gets ideas. So how about getting me out of this cell?" [/hider] [hider=The Cheshire Cat (kittenlover)] [img=http://oi58.tinypic.com/28i5dhd.jpg] [img=http://oi60.tinypic.com/2pql081.jpg] Real name: Natalia Dombrovski Codename: The Cheshire Cat Age: 20 Personality: Is secretive, cruel, an abomination against mankind ((as some would like to call her)), cunning, deceitful, out of her mind, ruthless, a villain like none other...... Basically your favorite Joker on crack. Her ways of torture are like none other, and no one has ever survived their capture by her since she can disappear as quickly as she comes. She has five wardrobes full of tools, gadgets, and weapons of torture, but never forgets the classics. She's as insane as anyone can get, and will kill anyone and anything when she gets the chance. She's a ruthless murder, and takes pride in her work instead of doing it in a messy way. And every victim that was found had a sinister cat face on their stomach, made by the long nails that Natalia has. And she takes her time with her symbol, making sure it's absolutely perfect before dropping the body off at the doors of the police station. Ability/power/s: - The power to change into her monster form at will - The ability to read minds -The power to become invisible -The power to make people extremely scared of her ((Thanks to a pheromone she excretes from her cheeks)) -The ability to float or fly -The power to transport Weakness: -Cat Nip -Yarn -Cat Toys -Laser pointer -Basically anything a cat would love and be distracted by, she loves the same things! Extra: When Natalia was just a little girl her Russian parents sold her to the Russian Government for tests, tests that were done on human children that unfortunately went terribly wrong. The Russian Government took 50 children for experiments, but only one lived. When she came out of the testing lab they called her The Cheshire Cat, because she now looked like that. That, and she had taken on the characteristics of the cats she was now named after. But during those tests she had lost all sense of humanity, so they shipped her off to a prison where she was kept for many years. But little did they know that she was plotting her revenge while playing with the cat toys they gave to her to keep her preoccupied in her padded room. She escaped at one point, torturing and killing 150 people before she was caught and sent back to prison. Now she is kept under heavy surveillance, and has monitors all over her so they can monitor her brain waves to make sure she's not trying to teleport. That, and they've put her in a state of sleep so she has no ability to use any of her powers or abilities. Why choose me?: "Let's get straight to the point, I'm the villain you want the most; I love to torture the hell out of people, I can shape shift into a monster to scare the crap out of people, thanks to the pheromones in my cheeks. I can get you out of a jam thanks to my teleportation powers. You'll never have to fly on an airplane again due to my flying ability. And I can be very smexy at times! Plus, I've secretly got a thing for Mr. Strongman above me! But I'll never tell!" [/hider] [hider=Third Eye (FoxFireOfDawn)] [img=http://s3.zerochan.net/Komeiji.Koishi.240.358373.jpg] Real name: Koishi Komeji Codename: Third Eye Age: 19 Personality: Koishi is your average, outgoing person when she's not on a errand or job. She acts cheery and happy but she knows when to stay silent. When on a job, she puts her utmost into it and tries her best. She does however, have a different personality that only comes out when she's pissed off. It's completly the opposite to what she normally acts like. She tends to go on rampages easily when she acts like this. She also doubles in strength, making her a bit more powerful. If she has just gone on a rampage and switches back to normal, she would forget everything that would of happened in that time, including objects. Ability/power/s: - To remember mostly everything she sees. - (only works on a person) To know the most important things about the person just by sighs. e.g. Name, age, where he/she lives, occupation ( To find out their occupation is a rare thing for her, but she can see this now and again). - Her purple eye can screech at a alarmingly high pitch that would cause others to drop to the ground and cover their ears. Once heard, it echoes in their heads for a good 5 minutes. Weakness: - If there are a lot of items in the room she's in, she gets a painful shock to her body and is forced to look down. This is why she keeps her head mostly low when running. - If her purple eye is grabbed, it sends a shock to her body, causing her often to drop to the ground. (Only if someone else is grabbing it. It does no harm if she grabs it herself) - Things like mirrors and anything reflective cause her to stand there idle for a couple of seconds to scan over, seeing if the things being reflected are already stored. Extra) Background: Koishi used to be an orphan, all alone. She got bullied because she was so weak until a kind man took her away and adopted her. She lived a few years happily with this man. She had never felt this way before, so these moments were special to her. After some years, two men dressed in black had took her away from this man. The last sight she saw as she was being dragged away was him being shot in the head by another man. She didn't know what happened next, as before she knew it, she was in a van, being driven away to somewhere else. After a long ride, she found herself to be in a lab of some sorts. She hated the sounds there that were filled with murderous intent. Walls and floor that were sparkling white, used to be covered with blood and other strange liquids. She was taken to a room and stayed there for a couple of days, before a scientist came in and took her to a spare operating room. She was out like a light, thanks to the sleeping gas. When she awoke, she felt different. Something tight was wrapped around her waist, gripping on and making a...screeching sound? She looked up and to the left, to see a purple eyeball attached to a long, rope-like body with a tail at the end. She couldn't even speak when she saw this, it was too terrifying. She looked at her surroundings a bit before realizing that she was already familiar with these things. Soon, a woman came in and explained what had happened, then Koishi got took away, yet again. She didn't struggle or complain, since she was still under a lot of shock. She had heard someone say 'poor kid' as she got into the same van that took her here. They dropped her off at a house that held two parents and three children. Two boys, one girl. She guessed this must be her new home for now, so she soon accepted them into her life and stuff went on as normal. Now, she's nineteen and living alone. She had got caught for causing a rampage in town, killing several people. She's currently in her cell, leaning against the cell wall. Her purple eye was in it's separate cell, hanging from the ceiling. Too high for her to reach. How lucky. Nemesis: Hata no Koroko Crush: Currently none. Weapons/Gadgets: Although her appearance says otherwise, she's surprisingly good at Judo. She can use her purple eye as a whip of sorts, which is quite lethal. She also has a small dagger hidden in her shoe and a number of poisons hidden under her skirt. I mean, who would look there for weapons? Why choose me?: "Say if you had a certain target you wanted to kill. Send me over to where they should be. As soon as I look at that person, I could get where they live easy. Then, you could steal their valuables and kill them at the same time! And if you're needing a quick escape, I would remember the other exits from before that we've passed, so it's pretty handy to have me around! Just don't send me out like I am now. That would be a horrible idea. When I'm pissed, it's fine. I will disembowel you with a rusty spoon if you don't let me in, so yeah." [/hider] [hider=Thane (Usurper King)] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/1N3qz6w.jpg[/IMG][/center] Real name: Jacob Oliver Constantine Codename: Thane Age: Twenty-eight Personality: Jacob is very Darwinian. He believes that those who have the strength, will and ingenuity to grab power and riches deserve their rewards, and the weak deserve their fate. He despises those who leech on the hard work of others, who have inherited all their money and fame. His ideal world would be one huge, never-ending arena; people continuously battling for control in a world where only the skilled survive. He is very strategic, as he was the leader of a famed mercenary corps. He is not supernaturally talented, however; he is still an amazing tactician, but nothing that any other human could not achieve… Jacob is capable at working in teams or by himself. He is a skilled commander, especially in the heat of a battle, but he can also take orders- as long as he doesn’t find them patently stupid, or if his prescience kicks in and tells him following them would be a very, very bad idea… He can work alone for weeks at a time, not minding the isolation. He does not necessarily need to be given specific orders in this time, as he is able to set himself his own objectives based on the current situation. Ability/power/s: Jacob is a man of simple skills. He can do one thing, and he can do it well. That thing is slice you into thirty pieces in the time it takes for you to blink. He is unstoppable in close-quarter’s combat, able to tear through armour and slash a bullet in half. Jacob is prescient: he can instinctively tell the future. He always knows where enemy troop emplacements are going to be, where the ambush is set up, or how Corporal X will if Y occurs. This is entirely subconscious; even Jacob himself doesn’t know he possesses this skill. Most people- including him- just put it down to tactical genius. He often uses this in his swordfights; he predicts each movement before it occurs. Weakness: Jacob is awesome to behold when wielding a sword. Not so much when wielding anything else. Jacob is only as good as a normal human when using such weapons; still good, but in no way on the same level as he is with a sword. Furthermore, because Jacob’s prescience is instinctive, he cannot decide when he uses it. This means it is completely situational; sometimes he will know how events will unfold, sometimes he doesn’t. He cannot specifically predict where the gunman will shoot if told to. In other words, it is completely unreliable. Extra: Jacob was the leader of a famed mercenary corps, one which was hired by corporations and small countries the world over. He led them from a small, obscure company in the Mexico to a global phenomenon renowned the world over. He was condemned by presidents, praised by dictators; his corps was the hard core of many of the revolutions and coups that have shaped recent history. He was the person you went to for help. He was the person you saw if you had a job so dangerous others wouldn’t touch it. He was the person you could always trust to finish the job, and finish it [i]well[/i]. It didn’t last. Just when Jacob thought nothing could stop him, that he was immortal, it fell apart. A series of failed contracts tore apart his reputation. The enemy always seemed to know where he was, to be one step ahead of him. His tactical genius wasn’t enough; he would fail again and again and again. But Jacob refused to give up. He would claw his way back to the top. Nothing would stop him. He would carve his name through history, he would make the world remember his name. He found the perfect job, one that would bring back their reputation and their money. He inspired his men with his speech of returning to the top, to their rightful place in the world. They set out, zealous and willing to die for Jacob. None of them returned. They were ambushed on the way to the site. Vicious anti-air missiles took down their transport helicopters, killing many. Those that still survived huddled around the carcasses of the helicopters and their former comrades. They made their last stand there, refusing to surrender and live in shame for the rest of their lives. Jacob led at the front, fighting beside his soldiers to the very end. And when the brunt of the enemy forces finally arrived, he gasped in horror. Their commander was his right hand man, Samuel Augustus. The only man he had ever trusted enough to plan contracts with. The only man he had given the most important, and the most dangerous missions to. His friend, who had been with him ever since the start of their corps. He had betrayed him, and stabbed his friend in the back when he was most vulnerable. As the fighting raged on, Jacob’s mercenaries fought to the last until it was only Jacob left. He was horrified at the slaughter, the massacre he had ended up in. Everyone he had ever known, everyone that had been as a family to him, was dead. And all because of his best friend. He dropped his sword in defeat, and sank to his knees, crying. Soldiers came to drag him away to prison, as their contract stated. Jacob could do nothing but watch as he was condemned as a murderer and a war-monger, while Samuel Augustus received medals and fame. Later, in prison, Jacob swore upon his soul that he would see Samuel on the end of his sword. And if he had to get through his mercenary company to do that, well, the more the merrier. --- Jacob is a cyborg. The vast majority of his body is machine, and he has multiple implants in his brain designed for combat and receiving information. That which isn’t machine is encased in power armour, further reinforcing his capabilities at close-quarters fencing. His provides many different services other than just protecting him from damage. It overcompensates his movements, making him even faster and stronger than he already is. Furthermore, it contains multiple computer systems designed to communicate with Jacob’s cybernetics, automatically smoothing his movements to create the most efficient sword fighting possible. These computers also provide him with extensive information about the situation, be he in a battlefield or surveying enemy encampments. This means that Jacob’s power come into their own when he’s inside his power armour; cybernetics, sword and armour working in harmony to bring lightning death to all who would oppose him. This armour also contains a large variety of drugs, for combat and more peaceful use. Combat drugs enhance his reactions, speed and perception, while the others are all related to keeping him awake for weeks at a time, and providing him with faster recovery from wounds. It also contains many tubes of carbohydrates and protein, allowing him to be injected with the right nutrition on the field without having to set up camp and make a meal. All these chemicals allow Jacob to fight near continually for around six weeks; after that, his drugs will run out and he will have to return to base in order to get them refilled. Jacob has one prised possession he values over all else; his rapier. It was handed down to him by his father- it had been in his family for generations, from when his family were rich traders in Italy. Now, it has been enhanced with nanotechnology to provide a monomolecular blade, easily capable of sheering through tank armour. He also has a great deal of other equipment, all high-end. He has multiple pistols, rifles, knives and a few other back-up swords should he ever be without his precious rapier. Why choose me?: ‘Are you strong? Are you quick, able to take advantage of any situation? Do you have the guts and determination to escape- to make the world yours? Can you climb up from nothing, and make the soft and corrupt tremble at your passing? If you can, then I wish you well. You deserve your rewards. But I can tell you one thing for a fact. ‘I [i]am[/i] strong. I [i]am[/i] quick. I will get out of here. I will tear apart the world when I escape. I will stamp my name onto the pages of history. I will make every politician, every weak and quivering president run for their lives when they hear my name. I will go into the jaws of death, and make my home there. You are welcome to leave without me. But I advise you to think to yourself very carefully. Can you survive without me?[/hider] [hider=Audiophile (Rune_Alchemist)] [img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/201/6/2/vinyl_scratch_by_crimsonbugeye-d6eb7qi.png] [b]Real name:[/b] Alexis Sinclair [b]Codename:[/b] Audiophile [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Personality:[/b] Alexis at first could easily pass for a quirky, but friendly, 20 year old who's a huge Nerd, likes dubstep, and flirts a bit too much. That guise is easily broken, however, if someone pisses her off. Which isn't that hard to do thanks to her bad temper. She's quick to anger, and holds onto grudges and hate longer that is probably healthy for anyone. People she has a grudge against, or people who piss her off, she will eventually get her revenge on. That is not something anyone would want to go through. She's sadistic when it comes to defeating her enemies, and likes making them suffer, so much so that she'll go out of her way to inflict the worst pain imaginable she can on them, either emotionally, or physical pain through torture. She doesn't mind a little pain herself though, being used as a live test subject tends to make one numb to that sort of thing. She does however, love music, especially dubstep, and plays video games like there's no tomorrow when she's not destroying a city block just for the lulz or out at a rave or club. [b]Ability/power/s:[/b] Alexis has the ability to manipulate sound waves. She can turn even the smallest sound, amplify it, and use the vibrations the sounds creates to attack, defend, and if she wanted, she could even create an earthquake using sound vibrations. She can use any sound waves that she can 'see' through hearing them. A few practical examples of her power: - Sonic Screech: Alexis screams, sending a conical wave of explosive sound waves towards the direction she is facing. - Sonic Quake: By Vibrating sound waves at a certain speed, she can create a small earthquake. - Sonic Boom: Does exactly what the name implies. Creates a sonic boom in the area around her. Very draining, and could possibly damage her. - Sonic Shield: Vibrates sound waves to create a repulsive shield around her. [b]Weakness:[/b] - Her power has made her ears extremely sensitive - any sufficiently loud noise that she is unprepared for could easily disorient or cause her pain. Ironic, no? - Her reckless attitude. Prefers to just launch a frontal assault rather than some fancy shmancy plan. - Physical fighting isn't her strong suit. She's a better ranged fighter. [b]Extra:[/b] A short Bio: Alexis was a normal high school kid, mostly, until she was 15 and her life got turned to hell. She was kidnapped by some rogue government R&D facility, that used her and other people for live test subjects. Needless to say, it turned a normal girl into a psychopathic killer, which wasn't a good thing for the people in the facility. She blew the facility up, leaving nothing more than a smoldering crater where it was. The other people inside and the scientists, were killed. She eventually found her way back home. She expected that she'd be welcomed back with open arms. She hadn't had any idea how long she was gone. Turns out she was trapped in that place for 4 years. By then, her parents and everyone else assumed she was dead...and they had adopted another kid. She felt betrayed. The torture she spent in the lab, along with this, she snapped. So, she killed them. Her parents, and that no good kid that had replaced her. She made him [i]suffer[/i]. They found the poor kids body torn into so many pieces, they couldn't even count them, and her parents each had their ears cut off, mouths sewn shut, mutilated, and hung from the ceiling with a pool of blood beneath them. Afterwards, she began a crime spree that lasted for about a year and a half until she was caught. [b]Gadgets:[/b] usually wears headphones that always seem to be playing some sort of dubstep music. Aside from the fact she just loves the music, she uses the music that plays from them as part of her arsenal. [b]Why choose me?:[/b] "Because you’d be crazy not to? Come on beautiful, I’m the most dangerous, badass motherfucker in here. ‘Sides, if you don’t I’ll just break out myself and show you just how, heh, [i]bad[/i] I can be, and I’d hate to hurt someone with such a pretty face. Oh, no, I wouldn't kill you right away. I’d have my fun with you first. Scarring such a pretty face would be such a shame though. I might even actually feel bad about it later. Especially when I can think of several other...uses It could have. So mind letting me out already? Or are you going to let me stare and fantasize some more?" Welp, there she is, Alexis Sinclair. [/hider] [b]~NPC Cast~[/b] [hider=Magica (Absolute Grace)] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/213/3/7/lady_by_sakimichan-d41ungd.jpg] [url=http://evycrystal.deviantart.com/art/Hero-Ref-Sheet-Evy-194028890]Hero outfit[/url] Real name: Lola Klarentine Codename: Magica Age: 23 Personality: Slightly chauvinistic, Lola believes that if you do bad things then you are a bad person and justice will be dealt accordingly. However despite that, she is incredibly kind, caring and will go out of her way to help people. Though she also knows that she is one hot piece of pie X3 and can be rather flirtatious. She also has no qualms about using it to her advantage. Ability/power/s: Magic user + Energy construct = Users can turn the energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs(golems) and create buildings of varying permanence. + Deflection = A magic energy barrier of sorts that can reflect any attacks that come into contact with it. + Levitation = On objects or on self to create flight. + Elemental attacks = Beams, strikes, blasts, bombs etc. Weakness: - Magic is unpredictable, if one gets too creative or is interrupted in a crucial moment. Results range from amusing to annoying, but mendable, to destructive and lethal. - Magica often puts herself in the firing line when someone is in need of help, whether it be a fellow hero or a civilian. Extra: TBA[/hider] [hider=The Anointed (Venom)] Name:Michael Jones. [img=http://i320.photobucket.com/albums/nn344/Kaeth_Of_Light/Gaia_Rp_and_Profile_Related_Stuff/DragonKnight.jpg] Alias: The Anointed, Archangel, Priest, every nation has a name for him, but he himself has never formally picked one. Age: 25 (Just conjecture. Based upon his youthful appearance and "arrogance") Personality. Unlike the Abyss the Anointed one seems more like a deity than a human. He tries to remain as neutral, forever unbiased and never picking a side, never joining in political struggles or even dealing with petty crimes. Only in times of absolute crisis does he even move. Beyond anything he is forgiving, understanding that the world is tainted with the inability to decipher true right from true wrong. Mercy and compassion are a tight rope, and he walks it with grace. Despite the anger and blame he receives he never once has shown even agitation, even threats from the world powers do not raise his ire. (Even attacks from unnamed governments simply where met with his self defense, as soon as the assailants where rendered incapacitated he went back to meditation.) Abilities: Much like armor of Abyss, The Anointed, is clad in a armor that is not of the earth. But unlike the abyss, its of the purest white, as if ivory or marble. Its armor does not take damage, it runes repel almost all physical attack. Science has proven useless in understanding where it draw energy from, but speculation suggest that if abyss was to draw from rage, Anointed draws upon a need to satiate it. He no longer needs food,water, or even sleep. While both armors are indeed forces of nature, Abyss is the wind that destroys the town, the anointed is the mountain that remains for them to rebuild. [b]WEAKNESS[/b] The Anointed has none. If it was to be said he had a weakness it is his mercy. He will never end a war, he will never stand for a cause. He is divine truth, and will only directly defend against Evil. Other than Abyss he has only been seen in when the loss of life is appalling. Or a person with great power steps to change the world for their own ideals. Conflicts with Abyss.....Are generally documented as acts of God. Both wield power that science can not explain, but their powers seem to reach new heights when in fighting with one another. There fights have released more energy than nuclear bombs in a volcano, lives lost in the hundreds. Afterwards The Anointed shows emotions, generally sobbing and even expressing rage. Extra. His spear can block the Black. Further more tip fires off bolts of energy similar to lightning. The spear once thrown makes a massive arc of energy, and forces lightning from even the clearest of sky. The final strike seems to take it up and bring it back to the knights hand....The technique is referred to as the worlds dragon. Abyss just calls it annoying. [/hider] [hider=The Laster (kittenlover)] [img]http://enteresanya.com/img_urun/77_285_2_z.jpg[/img] Real name: L.P. Codename: The Laser Age: unknown Personality: is extremely quiet, only using it's powers when it is clicked. It can lure in any sort of cat, including Cheshire, who was caught by it three years ago. It is stealthy and can hide in many places, including someone's pocket. It is the last of its kind ((since Cheshire destroyed all others years ago)) and is very lonely although no one will ever know. Ability/power/s: - To shoot a laser to attract Cheshire and other cats - Can create things from laser ((Cage, laser gun, etc.)) Weakness: - Water - And if it doesn't replenish it's battery life it will die [/hider] [hider=Astral (Rune_Alchemist)] [img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/203/5/d/mfg_mage_by_ixtianart-d6d0jkp.jpg] Real name: Chandra - Not its real name, but it claims that its real name would be impossible for humans to pronounce. Codename: Astral Age: by human standards, it looks to be about its mid twenties. Personality: Astral...is a bit of a odd one. Its motives for being a 'Hero' are completely its own, and not out of any sense of justice or righteousness. As far as its concerned, this worlds problems are not its own. Astral is quiet, not talking unless spoken too. Even then, it prefers to keep it sentences short. It doesn't seem to have any form of emotion at all either, as it always keeps calm and level headed even during a fight. When not fighting it seems to just coldly acknowledge other people with little more than a small nod, or a single hand motion. Ability: Astral Energy Manipulation A few examples of applications: - Chandra can create constructs made from pure Astral energy and use them in anyway it sees fit. A giant hammer, a shield, a giant fist. It is quite a versatile and formidable ability if used correctly - and destructive if used incorrectly. All it has to do is will it to exist, and it will as long as it continues to wish it. - A form of Telekinesis, allows it to effect objects at a distance. The heavier the object, the more energy it takes. - It also allows it the ability to be able to leave its physical body, and allows it to behave much like a ghost, moving unseen to all unless they have the ability to sense spirits and other non-physical beings. Could possess someone, or use a form of mental persuasion. - Aside from its other abilities, Astral is a excellent martial artist. Weakness: While Astral does seem to have many strong suits, its one major weakness is the thing it uses to fight. Drawing energy from the plane that its from is quite tiring. Battle of attrition and stamina aren't going to do it any favors. Bio: Astral, as it has started to call itself, is not a being from this plane of existence. After an unknown event ripped it permanently from another realm, it wandered this plane of existence, little more than a ghost barely able to effect its surroundings. It was barely able to comprehend such a big change at first. In fact, the place that it was dumped became known to be haunted by a malicious ghost. Eventually though, it began to regain some of its lost power. Its first act, was stabilizing its presence in this world. From there, if began to learn more about this world it was thrown into, and how to use its abilities here. Soon it gained a reputation as a 'Hero' It cares not for such titles though. [/hider] [hider=Luneea (ReaptheMusic)] [img=http://www.animemay.com/thumbnails/detail/20121106/blondes%20women%20water%20wings%20uniforms%20dark%20flowers%20rocks%20long%20hair%20carnelian%20weapons%20valkyrie%20textures_www.animemay.com_24.jpg] Real name: Victoria Scott Codename: Luneea Age: 14 Personality: Ordinarily bubbly, happy, and downright optimistic, Luneea is always there for her friends and can't bear to see someone suffer. [Krystaal: *gag*] She is determined to find love and often flirts with the bad boys, though she isn't very good at it. Shes shy around all men, and has a tendency to not see what is before her very eyes i.e. a love interest showing affection that she ignores. She has a lot of responsibilities put on her shoulders and often gets discouraged when theres much to handle. Ability/power/s: Can control light, using it to create projectiles to use alongside her appointed blade; a purple haired transformant named Kriip, and can create bridges of light to run along. She isn't the strongest with her powers but has a natural talent for using her sword, thanks to Kriips direction. Weakness: Mostly her lack of self confidence. She has the potential to be very strong but often is too scared or too doubtful to see past it. She is afraid of the dark and refuses to enter it without something to comfort her Extra: During Krystaals Attack, Luneea was walking home from school with her friends when Marian cornered her and her friends, threatening to torment them. A Blade appeared in her hand suddenly and she fought back to protect her friends. After Krystaal won, shocking Luneea and giving up on her after seeing how weak she actually was, A deity appeared to her in her dream. Telling her she was destined for great things. As time went on and she recovered, Luneea met Kriip and was joined into the ranks of Lunar Valkyries. From then on she trained, finding her deceased mother was once a Lunar Valkyrie, and has improved since then. [img=http://images4.fanpop.com/image/answers/1781000/1781445_1311352754285.73res_236_300.jpg] Name: Kriptolin Ozmark (AKA Kriip) Description: A bladed weapon forged form the fires of Luna Valkyries blacksmith, Kriip is a soul that happened to fit the bill and has trained for several years to be a good weapon to his owner. He treats her like he would a little sister and usually doesnt see her advances.[/hider]