West stumbled out of the helicopter after everyone else, that last sicking decent forcing her entire stomach so far up her throat she could feel it tickling her uvula. She leaned against the soothing wind chilled exterior of the helicopter and took deep breaths as she listened to the others talk. A pox on flying and death to all helicopters. "On our way to Hogwarts," she heard them say. If it was than they would never get her on a broom, that was for damn sure. She'd travel by floo powder, thank you very much. Finally feeling the sickness beginning to subside she walked out to the edge of the building and looked down to take in the sights. It was...disappointing, to be honest. An impressive looking town, sure, but far from the romantic towers and fantastic super-architecture of her dreams. She had expected floating castles, great shining statues the size of buildings, beautiful fountains of wine. Hell, she'd settle for a moving billboard. This, though, just looked like any ordinary town. When Richard had said anything could be explained by science on the way here she had inwardly scoffed, but now she wasn't so sure. As they walked the streets another worry of note hit her. There were really no pests here. When they'd stepped out the door she'd reached into her coat pocket and gripped her derringer out of habit, but when the two boys in front had prepared their weapons like you were supposed to when exiting a building the people around them ([i]and they were just normal people they didn't even look the part where were their hats?[/i]) had stared like they were the odds ones. They were learning magic so they could kill pests, right? What would they practice on? Would they bring them here, or would they take trips to the mainland to do it? Even if they didn't practice on live pests they'd have time off, right? Time when they could go to the mainland and clean up? Was that possible? She thought about bringing it up to Richard, but then looked around at everyone else. It was embarrassing enough trying to talk about her needs to one person, let alone a whole group. No, no, best to wait and see, and if she felt the troubles coming on then- She stopped, her thoughts shunted rudely out of her head out of her head by the sight of a young guy zipping across the road like greased lightning. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Had anyone else seen that? That one guy, the one that had called her big, looked like he had. Had it really just been her and him that had witnessed a miracle? It must have been a miracle, because there was no science in the world that could do that to the human body so casually, so without harm. That was magic. Real magic. Maybe not flashy, maybe not stylish, but in a way how casually he'd used it had made it more extraordinary. Like it was nothing. The ability to subvert reality used on a whim. To get pizza! She felt a grin spread far across her face and let out a short, low chuckle. Any doubt that had crept into her mind had vanished with the sight. When they got to the school itself she only got more exited. Maybe it wasn't a hundred feet tall, made of white marble, and inlaid with precious gems, but there was the stature she wanted. It even came with a fountain. Richard explained how all the women would be living in one room and she wasn't sure how the others would feel about her tendency to bring her work home with her, but there were no pests on the island anyway so that would be a problem. At least, it shouldn't be. Another bridge she'd have to cross when she came to it. The news that they wouldn't be getting their keys until tomorrow was also some cause for concern, but not as much. She casually walked over the the fountain as Richard left and sat down on the edge to wait it out. She overheard Maddox's whisper to Mikkish nearby, and shrugged. "Maybe it's a test. 'Wait at the masters door for three days to prove your dedication,' that sort of thing. Or they're hazing the muggles." She leaned backwards, cracking her back to work out the last few kinks from the ride over in anticipation of a long wait, and caught sight of the multiple faces of the stature behind her. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she dug around in her pocket till she found a quarter. "or maybe...?" She flipped the coin through the air behind her. It spun through the air, landing with a pleasant "plunk" as it sank into the water. She closed her eyes and clapped her hands in front of her, as if in prayer, and solemnly intoned, "I wish we could get into our rooms tonight."