[h1][color=6a8d69]Bᴇᴠᴇʀʟʏ Aɴɴᴇ Sᴄᴏᴛᴛ[/color][/h1][hr] Beverly's mother could not stand to watch her only daughter leave for school no matter how old she got. She remembered her first year at Hogwarts, and nothing had seemed to change. [i]“You are ready my world, my baby.”[/i] her mother cooed, taking her hand and cupping Beverly’s rounded cheek. She reached down and gave her daughter a kiss on her forehead before stepping aside for a moment. [color=6a8d69]"Claudia, please you're [i]embarrassing[/i] me."[/color] Beverly had taken to calling her mother by her first name this year for some reason. She wasn't sure if she was doing it to piss off her mother or if was some phase. [i]"Don't call me that, I'm Mom to you!"[/i] Claudia scolded, as the two got into a small spat of what respect was and how if she didn't watch it her lips would not be the only thing red for the trip. For a moment the two were silent, looking at one another. [i]"Have fun Bev."[/i] her mother said, a tired smile across her face [color=6a8d69]"Thanks Mom."[/color] she said with a smile. The two exchanged hugs regardless of the fight that had happened just a few minutes ago. There was something about their bond that brought them back to best friends no matter how heated conversations got. She didn’t have much luggage with her, most of her belongings packed into her one large and slightly ripped suitcase. The other pieces of luggage a purse and a pet carrier. Steadying her items, she picked up pace and ran right through the terminal, like nothing. As a train worker instructed her what to do with her luggage she promptly followed his directions until she was left with her pet carrier and the small purse across her chest. The purse contained a few muggle candies and a couple mints that would keep her occupied on the trip. Beverly got motion sickness quite easily and spending hours on a train was hell if she didn't keep her mind busy or kept her eyes looking straight and not browsing out the window as most people would be enjoying. Finding a compartment that had just been abandoned by an older girl trading cars to sit with her friends, Beverly chose the third in the line and made her way in, [color=6a8d69]"Cool."[/color] she cooed, slipping in quickly and sliding the door behind her. She took a seat away from the window and let her bones settle with a big happy sigh. She placed her pet carrier containing her Cat, Frankie (Named after Frank Sinatra of course) gently on the seat next to her, whilst her hand dug into her purse grabbing a mint and sticking it between her painted lips to suck on to ease her mind. She knew it would be a terrible way to start the year if she threw up on the ride. It would be talked about for the rest of the year. [i]Big baby Beverly barfed breakfast.[/i] It would haunt her for years. Beverly eventually made room for other passengers, some she knew from her year and some younger than her. She offered them treats from her purse so they wouldn't have to buy from the overpriced cart that had made it's way past several times. She was proud of herself for not buying anything this year, she usually was broke before the train made it's way to Hogsmeade. Making friends was something Beverly was good at as she entertained her other compartment mates for the duration of the ride. [color=6a8d69]"Okay try this one next, it's called a Charleston Chew you might like it!"[/color] she exclaimed, breaking it into several pieces so all of them could try it as she passed them around.