[@Camey] "They don't normally say anything." West replied skeptically. Had that girl seriously never made a wish before? Wishing well, shooting star, magic fountain, they never replied. You just either got what you'd wished for or you didn't. It was the most basic of magic everyone was taught as children. She was about to explain the very basic mechanics of making a wish when she saw someone breaking away from the pack. One of the nice ones. What was her name? She'd said it in the helicopter. Inbari? Inbana? She'd been so sick she hadn't heard right. She was wandering out the gate, no one to keep her company but her big loyal dog. West frowned. "Nah, I'm going to take a walk. Enjoy the night air without any pests to bother me." she said, standing up and heading after them. "Tell me if my wish came true." She called behind her as she left. [@Mariana Collie] There was an assumption that regular people had to make in order to get through life. That assumption was that everything was going to turn out just fine. Unless you had evidence to the contrary things were going to be okay. West understood that that was bunk. You were in danger constantly, literally everything a human being did could turn lethal. It didn't matter how. A single careless moment, a forgotten mistake coming home to roost, just random chance. West lived her life under the assumption that the worst possible thing that could happen was about to happen. There were a million things that could happen to a lobe girl in a strange city at night when you weren't taking magic into account. She had the dog, sure, but if anything that made it worse here. A girl and her dog wandering out into the mysterious world was the start of a fairy tale. Those could end well for the intrepid girl, but they could also end very badly depending on what version you read. West caught up fairly quickly, catching sight of...something that began with N B? Nbarra? That was it! The poor girl looked like she was in a dismal state. This gave West pause. She wasn't really all that good at dealing with things like that. She considered just staying at a distance, silently following her to make sure nothing happened, but that could give people the wrong impression. It had before. Multiple times. Misunderstandings like that could ruin someones reputation. "Hey." West called out. She walked quickly to catch up, sliding in beside her, and getting a good look at her tear stained face. "Uh..." she went, mentally freezing up. She had never really figured out how to put '[i]I was afraid you might get murdered[/i]' into words without coming off like a freak. Stalling, she reached into her front jacket pocket offered her a handkerchief. "Here," she said, falteringly, but then pressed through it. "You shouldn't be out here on your own. There could be...," [i]Murderers? Slavers? Thieves? Goblins?[/i] "...stuff. Bad stuff. Would you mind if I walked with you?"