[@Ejected] There's something I love about songs like this. Rap songs tend to lean one of two ways, we either talk about the money we have or we talk about how we made that money. Both are good but one has a story, and that's ultimately why we're all here. He's got good rhythm, good bars, nothing too heavy. Just enough to keep you interested in the story he's trying to tell you. Lines are clever. "Straight enough to lick a plate clean without using soap" (heavily paraphrased). Beat is simple but it's never really about the beat. He could just be talking and it would have been a spoken word... kind of. Really reminds me of a lot of the songs I used to listen to back when I was a kid... when my father would leave his radio and cassettes out. Both a terrible idea and an amazing coincidence. 7/10 [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tweHIQa1kIA[/youtube][/center] Edit: changed the song trying to keep with some kind of theme.