[@Default] About 5 minutes after Naoko was served his pizza, Mikkish walked in. He hadn't eaten anything that day and he was starving. He scanned the menu to see if they offered calzones. "I'll have that meat lovers calzone. Oh, and what kind of drinks do yall have?" Mikkish said, eyeing a glowing blue drink in a cooler "Whats that blue thing?" The bored looking cashier paused "Thats an energy drink." he said, as if everybody knew what the blue drink was. The cashier had to check his ID, because this drink was illegal to sell to anyone under 16 on the island, but Mikkish walked away with his calzone and the drink. The name of the drink? [i]Mage Masher[/i] Mikkish approached where Naoko was sitting. "Hey man. Decided to get dinner, huh? Can't believe they didn't serve food on the ride here." He said, looking at the pizza "Looks like fucking frozen pizza I could get at the dollar store." He took a sip of the energy drink.