[b]Title:[/b] The Matrices [b]Intent:[/b] To create a creature who serves as the ultimate medium, devouring other beings and storing their genetic codes in themselves and modifying them into their own. The Matrices wishes to create a being that can both assimilate life and split it off of itself independently, or symbiotically with its own kind. While this entity has no explicit goal to dominate the world which its children live on, it seeks to craft the genetics of a creature that cannot be overpowered by another without either great consequence or a loss of its own self in some manor. The Matrices' mentality is neither objective nor subjective, but rather free flowing allowing it to change and adapt its strategies and thought processes easier than most. While this is its primary intent, The Matrices is unlike most other entities, though it does not know of them, and can choose to change its goal or deviate from it somewhat to experiment. However, the Matrices is likely to come back to its original goal due to its bias towards such an intriguing creature. Such is its nature.