[Hider= Coralie "Cora" ] [center] [img] https://pre00.deviantart.net/b09f/th/pre/f/2012/332/3/5/turquoise_rogue_by_len_yan-d5ma3si.jpg [/img] [color=ACE5EE][h3][i] “Sorry kitten! I'll try to not play too roughly next time.” [/i][/h3][/color][hr] [img][/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=ACE5EE] Name: [/color] Coralie [color=ACE5EE] Alias: [/color] 'Cora' [color=ACE5EE] Age: [/color] Uncertain. She doesn't remember anything about her past, including her real age. Appears to be around 17-18. [color=ACE5EE] Gender: [/color] Female [color=ACE5EE] Type: [/color] Cat Demon [h2][b][color=ACE5EE]Abilities[/color][/b][/h2] [b]Cat Demon[/b] - With the best of the both worlds, Coralie has the dexterity, senses, agility and speed of a cat, and the strength of a demon. Her tiny body makes her an even more troublesome opponent, being hard to hit and having deceptively strong blows for her size. Her sharp senses though can be both a blessing and a curse. Loud, high pitched noises can make her dizzy and even inflict pain, extremely strong smells can also confuse her and she is vulnerable to spells and magics to bind and restrain demons. [b]Flicker[/b] - Illusion magic. Coralie can create a duplicates of herself to confuse her attacker or her target. Those duplicates are mere illusions, and cannot hurt or even touch anything. They are exact copies of Coralie. These illusions can be used in a myriad of ways, including the move she calls 'Flicker', which consists in creating a duplicate of herself while using Flash Step at the same time, creating an effect akin to an 'prolonged' afterimage. The copy created still functions like a normal copy, being able to move & etc. [b]Flash Step[/b] - A high speed movement consisting in a short burst of extreme speed. Although it is extremely fast, she cannot change direction or use it for long periods of time, due to the strain it puts on her body (specifically her muscles, bones and especially her lungs and heart heart), effectively creating a small 'cooldown period' of approximatedly 10 seconds between each 3 flash steps. [b]Stalk[/b] - Hybrid between her natural phisiology and illusion magic. She can visually blend into the environment, providing perfect camouflage, as long as she is not running. [b]Trickery[/b] - An interesting spell. Although its completely incapable of hurting anyhting, it perfectly embodies a trickster's persona. This skill is basically a sensory illusion, being able to do things such as project Coralie's voice to a different location, a tap or a shove on someone's back coming from nowhere or very superficial scratches. While completely unable to inflict any type of serious damage and apparently without any practical use other than annoy and irritate others, this ability is simply perfect for psychological warfare. When used together with her Stalk and Flicker abilities, Coralie can either remain unseen while taunting, distracting, while simultaneously creating an incredibly unsettling, demoralizing and perturbing situation if her target is alone, use it to demoralize and distract a particular target if he is in a group (maybe even separate him from said group) or she can use her copies to throw fake, feint attacks on a single person or in a group while taunting them, forcing them to be in a constant state of full alert, stressing them out and wrecking their nerves. [b]Loki's Claws[/b] - Other than being able to cut through most things and even put a serious dent or scratch on a common blade, Coralie's claws have another interesting effect... They are able to completely ignore certain types of spells such as barriers, portals, illusions & etc. Only considerably strong spells are able to withstand her claws (but even those need to be renewed from time to time as it will grow weaker as she continues clawing the same spot until it tears a hole on them). This particular effect, makes her even tougher to restrain and catch, while also making it rather annoying to defend against her attacks since one cannot rely on magical barriers. [hr][hr] [b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr] [color=ACE5EE] Aura color: [/color] Appears to have no aura while in her true and human form, but while on her 'enraged form' her aura is of a dark red color. [h3][center]True Form[/center][/h3] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=ACE5EE] Height: [/color] 5'24" [color=ACE5EE] Weight: [/color] Hey! That's not something you should ask... [color=ACE5EE] Eye Color: [/color] Yellow [color=ACE5EE] Hair Color: [/color] Aqua [color=ACE5EE] Hair Style: [/color] Braided Pigtails or simply loose. [color=ACE5EE] Description: [/color] With only a petite 5'24", a light, tiny and slim body type actually make her look like a small household animal or a pet, the long, fluffy tail and her heavy french accent only accentuates her charm. The only thing that might be a bit frightening to look at are her claws and her sharp teeth, but due to her petite and cute physique, those things are often overlooked. Under her deceptively frail appearance, hides quite a feral beast. Those who seen her angry immediately regret the decision, and often even think how did they even find that thing 'cute'. Coralie doesn't wear too many clothes, she absolutely despises formal dresses and things that do not let her move freely, often preferring to wear a simple top and shorts. But the most striking things she wear are an steel collar with a small metallic spike in front of it and metal shin guards ending in a rather exotic pair of high heels. Coralie is unable to take off the collar, she doesn't remember who put it, what exactly it is or even why she can't take it off, its simply there. The shin guards are quite an antiquated thing to wear. Wearing armor was simply ridiculous on that day and age, but it was undeniable that the set of shin guards and the high heels were incredibly fashionable. Striking and unusual, but still beautiful. Her high heels are adorned with sharp, hook blades right on the tip. A little known fact about her is that her feet resemble those of a cat, including having rectractable claws, but since she uses her high heels most of the times, only a handful of people know that. [hider= Warrior Form ] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=ACE5EE] Height: [/color] 5'25" [color=ACE5EE] Eye Color: [/color] Yellow [color=ACE5EE] Hair Color: [/color] Dark red [color=ACE5EE] Description: [/color] Coralie's 'Warrior Form' could be better described as an 'Enraged Form', as Coralie only rarely is in this form since she mostly fights in her true form. This form could be described as something much more 'demonic' and feral. In this form, she is much more menacing, looking much less like a pet and more like a beast. Her tail and hair loose their aqua coloration and instead take the same color as her aura, a dark red color and her teeth become noticeably bigger. [/hider] [hider= Human Form ] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=ACE5EE] Height: [/color] 5'25" [color=ACE5EE] Description: [/color] Coralie's human form is basically a 'humanized' version of her true form. Hiding her tail, claws, feet and ears, she looks exactly like a young teenager in her human form. Ironically enough, even though her appearance is one of a human's she still has a lot of her feline habits, thus making her being considered 'weird' by other humans. She tries her best to supress her feline nature, but most of the cases she isn't very successful. [/hider] [hr][hr] [b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr] [color=ACE5EE] Personality: [/color] Coralie is normally very friendly and outgoing. She might look shy or reserved at first glance, but don't let that fool you. Even if she doesn't start a conversation, she would love to have someone to talk or be near her. She has no problems in being alone, even enjoying being by herself sometimes. But if she wants to talk to someone, she won't be the one to start the conversation, instead making herself present around others, waiting to someone to come to talk to her or give her some attention. Call that one of her (many) whims, but its just the way she is... If she is ignored by a long period of time, she will start doing things to make others notice her, such as pranks, provoke them & etc. Talking about her whims, it may not come as a surprise, but Coralie can be very whimsical and mischievous sometimes. Suddenly changing her mind and even being rather unpredictable with her thoughts or actions. Actions that might make total sense to her, often might appear strange or unnecessary to others. Despite her cute appearance and diminutive size, Coralie is quite dangerous. Nobody knows why, maybe its something related to her demon nature, but she doesn't seem to have the same 'morals' that a normal human has. Sure, she will not simply attack someone, but if something happens and she needs to kill someone, she won't show not even a single drop of hesitation or remorse after doing that, almost treating that as a joke or a game. But don't let those scary looking claws or her sharp teeth scare you... Let me tell you a secret: Coralie loves to be petted. Going as far as acting just like a cat would. She can be surprisingly sweet and cute around someone that she took a liking to. Coralie tends to 'bond' with certain people. If you're good enough to her, she will be around you more often, let you pet her more often, listen to you and show her affection more often. Due to her diminutive size, Coralie has a small complex about her size. If someone is playing with her or only jokingly provoking her, she won't make much of it, but one warning: never use derogatory nicknames regarding her size if you're being serious... [color=ACE5EE] Likes: [/color] [b]Meat / Fish[/b] [b]Sweets[/b] [b]To be petted[/b] [color=ACE5EE] Dislikes: [/color] [b]Vegetables[/b] [b]Arrogant/annoying people[/b] [b]To be made fun of or being underestimated because of her size.[/b] - Pretty self explanatory. It is something that makes her incredibly irritated and angry. Coralie has no problems with friends or close ones jokingly provoking her & etc. But if someone looks down on her because of her size, she gets really irritated. [color=ACE5EE] Fear: [/color] [b]To be caged or chained[/b] - Coralie has a deep fear of being caged, chained or loose her freedom. Its so severe that Coralie would rather kill herself if she realizes that she would never be able to escape. [color=ACE5EE] Greatest Hope: [/color] [b]Finding a place where she is welcome, a place where she can call home and people who understand her and won't hate her just because she is a demon. Maybe even finding a special someone to be by her side.[/b] [color=ACE5EE] Habits: [/color] [b]Hissing, purring, her tail's position & etc.[/b] [color=ACE5EE] Hobbies: [/color] [b]Sometimes she enjoys stalking and playing tricks on people while invisible, or simply stalking someone out of curiosity.[/b] [hr][hr] [b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr] Coralie's past is as uncertain as her origins. Aside from her heavy french accent, there are no other clues about her past other than the mysterious collar on her neck. Whenever she tries to think about her past, she simply can't think straight. Its almost like if there is a wall of mist preventing her to remind her past. While she is certain that the necklace certainly is a key to knowing her past, she doesn't care about it that much. Other people would be obsessed about their past and try to learn about it at all costs, but not Coralie... She simply ignores that fact, instead just doing whatever she feels like doing. She doesn't have a 'house' of her own or a fixed home, instead always hanging around on inns or lodges. Despite her incredibly unusual looks, she is often seen almost like a 'pet' on these places if people are able to ignore the fact that she is a demon. Even though Coralie never stayed in one place for too long, she has been living with the dark kitsunes for a while now, as they have no problems with who she is and treat her incredibly well. The fact that the dark kitsunes she is living with are basically elders of her kind and she is just a rebellious teenager to their eyes can cause some small conflicts sometimes, often ending with Coralie just walking away. [hr][hr] [b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=ACE5EE] Other: [/color] Coralie doesn't like being in her human form. She finds it somewhat uncomfortable. [color=ACE5EE] Secret Word: [/color] Moonlight (was the old secret world XD) [/Hider]