[hider=Anna][img]http://d1vr6n66ssr06c.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/12/x-men-dark-phoenix-new-image-feature-img.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Anna Aymes Age: 22 Sex/gender/etc: Female/ A blooming lesbian Personality: Anna is typically described as a sweet person, who also has a witty sense of humor. She hates having to ask for help with things, though, help is something she is always in need of. Anna has been struggling with cerebral palsy for most of her life. It has reduced her to having to use a wheel chair, which she knows she will probably never get out of. She often goes through small bouts of depression because of her condition, but try’s to hide it and appear strong when other people are around. This is where her sense of humor kicks in. She uses it as a facade to hide her emotions. Skills: Can stand for 2 minutes before losing my control of her body. Not very many skills with her condition. Bio: Anna grew up mostly inside of her bedroom. She started show signs of cerebral palsy very early in her childhood. By the time she was a teenager, she could barely eat without having to be helped because of the shaking in her hands. Her parents had decided to home school her. They didn’t like the idea of their child going to school with the health issues she had. She had very few friends and felt like she was around her parents way too much. She hated having to be helped so much and as she grew older that feeling only grew more every day. When she reached her 20s she asked her parents to let her move out and receive care from an aid. After much persuasion, they agree to this a got her an apartment with a full time aid. Not long after she moved out, Anna was approached by two strangers, who promised her health and the ability to walk again. It didn’t take her long to agree to the offer. Reason you agreed to the program: Agreed due to her health issues. Power: (Reserved for later) Equipment: (Also for later, as you only have a hospital gown on now.)