Jace wiped sweat from his face with the back of his hand as it dripped into his eyes and scowled as it stung his eyes. The weather outside wasn't as hot as it usually was, but after his drinking binge the previous night he was fighting through the effects of a hangover and was sweating like a stuck pig. His head also felt as if someone was taking a sledgehammer to it and waves of nausea kept him teetering on the edge of emptying the contents of what was left of his stomach. He was good at hiding how miserable he felt, but he knew Basil would easily see through his facade if he even gave a damn about Jace anymore. Not that he could blame him after everything that happened in the past couple days. "It will be getting dark pretty soon. I think we should start looking for a decent place to camp for the night," Jace said, barely refraining from gritting his teeth. "I was talking with the trader back in town about the surrounding area and he mentioned a few caves just north of here. We should be getting pretty close." "That sounds like a good idea. And maybe a yao guai will eat our faces in the middle of the night for disturbing its home," Kaye said sarcastically. Jace shot a glare in her direction. "It would be better than staying exposed to the elements. It looks like it might rain tonight and I've already been there done that, so if I have the chance to stay dry and radiation-free for the night, then I'll happily make acquaintances with the yao guai tonight. Sure to be better company than you." "I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of with her on this one," Raider murmured uncomfortably. "I didn't give you that gun for nothing, so put it to use. Or I could always take it back." Raider slowly placed his hand over the holster as if he was afraid Jace would snatch it from him at that very moment.