[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/372373439673139200/Catherine.png[/img][/centre] [color=salmon]Catherine followed close behind Roman walking on seven out of her eight legs, the leg that got ran into was still hurting and she tried her best to not let it touch the ground. She'd not want Aranea to make another appearance, she might have made her look bad enough already. Being so eager to bring death to someone. But alas Catherine had to stay on top of her pain, it was the catalyst that let Aranea get control the easiest, physical pain or mental stress were the main things that made her will snap. Physical pain was by far the strongest thing when it came to breaking her control, so Catherine tends to try her hardest to avoid it. Catherine looked over at all the others while they walked getting a good look in, Jonathan was easily the one who intimidated Catherine the most. His emotionless face was indeed frightening, but she also felt the most sympathy for Jonathan. He to had suffered an unfortunate fate and had suffered some sort of damage via radiation. At least that is what she though, it was that or he wore a mask and had a voice modulator so he could intimidate people, if this was the case it sure as hell worked on Catherine. Aranea had different thoughts. Like what shit was this guy hiding, having no facial expression or tone in his voice made him almost impossible to read. This was a problem because it would make fucking with him far more difficult. Catherine then diverted her gaze to Honey. So far Honey seemed to be a very kind albeit a little bit aggressive, of coarse she hadn't acted as if she would physically harm someone or anything like that. But she seemed to see Catherine as a powerful individual, Catherine wasn't sure how to take that. She had never really gotten into any fights and had no intention to do so. But overall Catherine was very happy to be able to call Honey a friend, it was shocking that she'd been around this town for as long as she has, and it was an outsider who finally let Catherine in. Aranea also liked Honey because she saw Aranea's strength, even if she'd not said it to Aranea directly she still called Catherine strong and by extension called Aranea strong. And her threats and sass were welcome additions, Honey didn't appear to be the kind of girl to take shit from people, Aranea could respect that. Then there was Roman. He seemed nice, he was letting them all go over to his place. Again this was something Catherine had yet to experience since her life in Pallet Town began. he didn't seem to have a block between what he thought and what he says. This quirk oddly made Catherine trust him, he was a boy who didn't have anything to hide. This might be on purpose or he is just naturally unable to stop himself, either way she thought he was a good kid. Aranea on the other hand. She doesn't want the kid to have a filter because that would get in the way of her hand ripping his throat out through his mouth. How could such a small be so annoying? He vexed her in a way very few did. Catherine would be sure to hang around him more often, she had almost no way of getting back at Aranea for being so horrible. Of coarse she didn't like causing pain, but she can't help but be pleased when something drives Aranea mad. She would then look at the building that was apparently Roman's home, Catherine was impressed. It was easily better than her own home which she was barely able to fit into, but she knew not to get to excited.[/color][color=plum] "Wow Roman, this is your house? You are a lucky boy."[/color][color=salmon] Catherine would smile at Roman with her surprisingly gentle face. Then she would still wait for the others to enter before she did herself. This was something Catherine always did, she wasn't exactly door savvy with doors, plus she was polite.[/color] [color=plum]"A-after you."[/color][color=salmon] She would say in a much quieter voice, she would also look towards the floor as others pass. This was another thing she always did, she was a fairly shy person. Especially because she was being forced upon these people.[/color]