[@Saltwater Thief][@Major Sharpe][@Wernher] Physical attacks might not go over well, but even with my character being a foreigner, they'd be more suspicious of someone with a sword in their Queens' presence, I'd wager. Even if they just arrived, I completely agree. The reason why I support the no-weapons-in-the-presence-of-the-queen deal is because the Queen is supposed to be an elevated party. The councillors and the nobles all have their own agendas- they're trying to put down other members, gain the upper hand, further their own goals and hinder anothers'... so if the queen decrees something they don't agree with, making sure they [i]don't[/i] have a weapon is quite major. Because the only weapons in the room shoulder be specifically the queen's weapons. Also, yeah, if I were a Guardsmen and some pagan dudes started chanting foreign magic of unknown purpose, I'd force them to stop BEFORE they walk into the Great Hall. And another thing for [color=gold][@Everyone][/color], the ceremony where you declare your allegiance to the High Queen has already PASSED. You all CAN'T just have arrived because the ceremony had already started and ended.