[Center]Name: Alex Park [/Center] [Center]Age: 18[/Center] [Center]Gender: Female[/Center] [Center]Appearance: [img]http://manrepeller-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Grownup-Ways-To-Wear-Overalls-April-2017-Man-Repeller26.jpg[/img][/Center] [Center]Personality (doesn't have to be long.): Alex is generally charismatic and wise-cracking but mostly sarcastic and disaffected person. even tho her sarcastic and individual ways, she is actually really care about her friends and her family [/Center] [Center]Power: Fire Manipulation[/Center] [Center]Bio(Again, short):When Alex was a kid, she always feel like she was different like her parents, she doesn't know why she feel like this, she just does. This feeling fellow her through middle school where teachers label her as a individual kid after doing some rebel ways around the school. Her power was discovered when Alex burning some ants in the backyard...then some grass...then the whole backyard...let just say it was a best day for her. After years practiced her power and when she was 18, she came home one day to see her parents with worry and sad look on their face with her backpack on the floor, they tell her about the Screen and tell her to run.[/Center] [Center]Likes(optional): Jokes(mostly puns),Flowers,Cute Girls, Street art, Breaking the rules, Music[/Center] [Center]Dislikes(optional): Rude people,Loud noises,Rules[/Center] [Center]Alias (Exile Name?): Fire Gal[/Center] [Center]Gear(What items did you pack?): Some cash, about $100,clothes,music player[/Center]