"And we'd like to be prepared for whatever might happen," Miles retorted, shaking his head. He loved his brother, but he could be so arrogant at times. Regardless, he headed toward the department store, adding beforehand, "Just be careful, Aeron. Don't fight them unless we have to." Before the outbreak, the department store had been the busiest section in town; well, it had been for the actual residents, at least. Helena, Montana hadn't been the busiest of towns. If one wanted to shop at a mall, they'd have to travel to the next town over. Otherwise, Burke's Depot, it was, for people to purchase necessities. However, Helena saw more than its fair share of travelers and tourists. People came for the hiking trails, for camping, for the natural wonders. Self-proclaimed survivalists and nature enthusiasts came from all over just to risk freezing to death in the woods. It kept the town alive, though, giving reason for multiple restaurants, gift shops, and outfitter stores to exist within a few miles of each other, providing jobs for adults and teenagers alike, bringing the occasional family in to settle down. Easing open the front door, Miles peered inside, holding his breath as he listened for sounds of the living dead. The power grid had been down for the past week, enveloping the store in darkness. He recognized groans, whimpers, and shuffling. Biting his lip, he whispered, "Some are in there, somewhere. Can't tell how many, though."