She hated having to live life on the run. To go from a warm home and a family that loved you, to out where there was the possibility of danger at damn near every turn. Where it was cold, even on the hottest summer day. Where there was no one that loved you. She hated it. Most of all, she hated being alone and unsure if the next person she ran into could be trusted. Not likely. Most people, even a some Exiles, would kill you and take your things in a heartbeat. She hadn't run into any yet, but they were bound to be out there. They always are. Ophelia kept her eyes peeled for any possible trouble as she walked through the streets, towards the outskirts of the city. There was a small abandoned house out that way that she had been staying in. It wasn't the best, but it was a roof over her head. Why it hadn't been torn down or bought to be remodeled yet, she also wasn't sure. It didn't matter. She would stay in it as long as she could. Until she had to go on the run again. However long that was. While on her way, she saw a car pull into a nearby gas station. A boy, who looked no older than maybe 16 or 17 got out and put a ski mask over his face. Ophelia raised an eyebrow, but continued on. She wasnt about to get involved. Even as she came upon the little store, she kept her eyes ahead and her nose out of business that didn't concern her. She just wanted to get home. As soon as she was past the store, Ophelia quickened her pace, but never looked back. The best way to stay alive as an Exile, was to keep to yourself, stay unrecognised, and never use your powers.