[center][h1][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/3MjoW3F5em5Mcxgue/Vale-Detherwood][color=32CD32][img]https://i.imgur.com/T8mG1Ey.png[/img] Vale Detherwood[/color][/url][/h1][/center] [hr] Vale quickly finished the book she was reading. There was an invitation to join everyone for dinner, though that mattered little to the halfling. She would join up, but no sense keeping herself from finishing this last book. There wasn't that much left anyway. The rest of the party had left the room by the time she closed the book. She wasn't far behind, but she wasn't in any rush. As long as they didn't start with dessert first, that is. Happily she skipped along, eyeing the comfortable decor as she searched for the feast. It wasn't that hard to find, though it seemed she wasn't going to be the latest one. Rather than sitting down immediately, Vale circled the table eyeing the meal that was prepared. It looked wonderful. It almost made her mouth water, but there wasn't anything out that truly interested her; opting not to grab any of the food laid out. Finding an open vacant seat, she hopped in her now claimed chair and began humming to herself. Shame that her dress wasn't made yet. It would've looked lovely at a dinner like this. [color=32CD32]"Well then. Sorry I'm late, though it doesn't seem like I missed too much. Just finishing looking at some of the books. Anyone find anything on the giants up north? If not, is fine; I plan on studying the night away if our host would be so permitting. I can also round out searching for topics any of us might needed extra time on. Oh, and do tell me if you visit the gardens of Carnessa. I found a book, written in one of those infernal languages of course; but it looked like the most beautiful places. Much better than the forest I lived in for most of my life."[/color]