[center][h1][color=79CDCD]Jonah Kalrem[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Jonah turned his head and glared at Lachdonan, annoyed that he hit him in the back of the head. Lach gave a look to Jonah however, and the Water Chosen realized that he really should introduce himself. After rolling his eyes at Lach, he put away his sheet music carefully. [color=79CDCD][i]Ill have to continue some other time.[/i][/color] He told himself. After that, he stood and listened to everyone else. The Wind Chosen, Ethan seemed to be fairly shy, or un-confident as he talked about not wanting to die. Lach spoke up, but Jonah didn't really pay attention. The two of them were already good friends. Afterwards was Vita, the Life Chosen, who also happened to be a psychiatrist. Jonah gave a light chuckle, glad that nobody else heard. He found it oddly appropriate that they had a therapist of some sort with them, especially since a bunch of Chosen had just died. Next came Amalthea. She was the Fire Chosen, and had made some remark about not being between her and her target. She gave Jonah a very serious and commanding impression. Following her was Sammael, the Light Chosen. He spoke very politely, bringing the term "knight" to Jonah's mind. Ruby spoke up afterwards, introducing her role as the Shadow Chosen. She also seemed a bit flustered, like Ethan was earlier. It was only natural, since this is the first time most of us were outside the walls. And lastly, was Esmeray, the Death Chosen. She made a quick appeal about looking past her title, before ending. Jonah didn't really understand why the Death Chosen had gotten all the flak for the recent deaths, like everyone was going on about. This especially bothered Jonah, since a Death Chosen was also a part of the killings. [color=79CDCD][i]To the townspeople, you'd think that the Death Chosen were equivalent to demons. Why did people so vehemently dislike the Death Chosens?[/i][/color] It was a few more moments before Jonah realized he was the only one remaining who hadn't introduced himself. [color=79CDCD]"....Right. So..."[/color] Jonah said, collecting his thoughts. [color=79CDCD]"I'm Jonah, Water Chosen and.... I like music."[/color] He said simply. Jonah stayed standing for a few moments longer, before sitting back down on the ground and getting his sheet music back out. He wasn't much for social situations, especially around those he wasn't familiar with, so he had very little to say.