[center][b]Shizumi Uchiha[/b] [i]Konoha [Team 6][/i] [i]Genin[/i][/center] Shizumi jumped at the opportunity given by his sensei, as he squeezed between the two of his peers. [b]"I'd like to go first, Hiro-sama!"[/b] Shizumi said, using his thumb to point to himself. [b]"MY NAME IS SHIZUMI UCHIHA, MIGHTY SEED OF THE INFAMOUS UCHIHA CLAN!"[/b] Shizumi could feel the fire in his belly begin to burn as the words began to roll from his tongue to the ears of his peers. [b]"I WAS RAISED TO THWART THE AMBITIONS OF THOSE THAT DARE OPPOSE THE UCHIHA CLAN! MORE IMPORTANTLY, I WAS RAISED TO BECOME STRONG ENOUGH TO PROTECT THE LEAF AND THOSE WITHIN IT'S INTEREST!"[/b] Seeing that his sensei had provided his full attention to him and his new set of peers was fuel to Shizumi's fire. [b]"I BELIEVE THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN FRIENDSHIP! IF YOU CAN MANAGE TO MAKE FRIENDS OF THOSE YOU MUST WORK CLOSEST WITH, TEAM COHESION IS A PIECE OF PIE!"[/b] Shizumi growled through his teeth as he spun around to point at his mates. [b]"FROM HERE ON OUT, I LOVE YOU BOTH! YOU TWO ARE WHAT WILL ULTIMATELY KEEP ME ALIVE AND VICE VERSA! TRUST IN ME TO ALWAYS HAVE YOUR BACK THROUGH THICK AND THIN!"[/b] Shizumi shouted out, his arms like iron rods pointing to his peers. He placed his hands on hips and ran his eyes over the two before spinning back around to smile at his sensei. [b]"Haha! That's all I have. I figured I'd be the one to set the tone."[/b] Shizumi was one talkative kid and often used his charisma to his advantage. He figured the quicker he warmed his peers up, the quicker the bond between the three of them could begin to form. Scratching his head, Shizumi squatted after turning back to his peers. He was dying to know more about them. [b]"Well, go on!"[/b] he shouted as a wide grin spread from ear to ear. This was the beginning of a new journey for Shizumi and his passion to progress began to burn brighter and brighter. Academy was a piece of cake for the kid, he knew operating in the field as a team would be a bit more challenging though. Challenges were something Shizumi enjoyed and often sought. What lie in store for the boy and his squad?