[center]" Stealing it would cause too much commotion." Angel replied smoothly, " And you're right, this is an idol contest. Not only do you have to sing, but you need to dance and sell yourself like an idol. But don't worry, I will assist you with that." He offered, which was the only comfort he could give Ethan. Turning back to the projector, he switched to the next slide that had the six members of LEGENDS standing happily together. " These are the reigning champions. They are called LEGENDS and they've been winning the UwaPri award for the past three years straight. The leader of the group is namedBelizano Faize Black, who goes by his stage name Fai." On the projector, it showed Fai standing in the center, striking a fabulous pose. Beside him were all of his stats, such as his age, height, weight, and vocal ranges. Inwardly, Angel cringed because this was the famous ancestor of his precious King Belzeneff and when he was regarded as a mighty warrior on Wiz, he pranced around in ridiculous clothing with his band in this world. He was just glad that the only information he had of this world was on LEGENDS and he didn't have to see whatever monstrosities Belzeneff and Bellerophon had become. " There will be six groups participating in the UwaPri contest, and it will be your jobs to join the groups. The chance of one of you winning will be greater if you each join a different team, but your goal is still ultimately the same; To win the trophy. At the end of each day, report to me with your 'daily report'." Seraphim placed down two watches on the table, one red and blue. " These watches will allow us to speak with each other, and you two can also communicate with each other with them. Now," He shut the projector off and pulled two vials of pink liquid out of his shirt pocket, " These will help you sing. Just take a sip each time you have to perform and it will make you be able to sing like a professional. The effects only last an hour, but that should give you enough time for the performance." Rodrigo took the vial offered to him and looked it over cautiously, " But what about the dancing? You said that we would have to dance!" Angel laughed, " That, I cannot help you on, but maybe one of your new teammates would be so grateful as to help you out?"[/center]