[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d3551e96a2b48077e262fa98f2e74ddc/tumblr_inline_nmuwekMscX1sj4qvu_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b] Near Eden [color=662d91]Skills:[/color]Perception[/center][hr][hr] Alexander nodded to Thalia, acknowledging her last message for Lola, her crazed friend in the Steel Duck. [color=662d91]"Decker, this is Mugs. Watch yourselves, we all want to see you alive and well afterwards. Tell Kiwi to be safe."[/color] Alexander was unsure of how to phrase Thalia's message, but decided that Lola probably knew what Thalia wanted. Or not, but did it make any difference? If she was crazy, she might as well pull through the coming engagement with the enemy. Thana's message was clearer though. [color=662d91]"T-minus 18 Mikes. We're going silent, no comms after this. Mugs over and out."[/color] With that, Alex turned off his radio and holstered it in the belt. Never knew when a clear line of communications was needed. And after grabbing the Colt M1911 and the magazines, he saluted Thana back and waited for two things: Firstly he waited for Thana to get the ordered spacing between them before he started moving too. He knew all too well what a cluttered squad would look like in a firefight, or around a Viet-Cong IED . And secondly he thought about the so-called 'rule' mentioned by her. Quietly he questioned himself [color=662d91]"I thought Rule 16 was to always have an extra pair of socks..."[/color], hopefully quiet enough for neither ladies to hear him. Now on the move and armed to with what he felt to be the teeth, Alexander let his eyes wanderd around the landscape in front of the group and to his sides. Even the most well-made plans got ruined within seconds of enemy contact, and this was no different. Well, at least Alexander instinctively thought so at first, before his observations made him change his mind; the coast was clear and was getting to his mind. Not only that, but in the emptiness of his observations, his mind began to play tricks on him. All he could think, see and hear was a very specific song playing on repeat in his head. The one Lola had sung when they first met that day, one that made her look even more wacky than one could possibly imagine without actually meeting her. And what did he do? Alexander, the old veteran and probably partly scarred for life both from old and new memories, pictured himself on patrol in the humid jungle once again; a melody played over this series of images, "Let's fall in love", and Alexander just had to start singing himself. He pictured it to be a rather harmless situation, seen as they hadn't been hit by Viet-Cong guerrillas all day and their NCO was in a good mood for once. And so he started to sing, lounder and louder for every step. [color=662d91]"...Mosquitos, heaven forbid, do it - So does every katydid do it - Let's do it, let's fall in love!"[/color] Yeah, he was losing it again.