[center][h2]Goblin Doku[/h2][/center] [center][h3]Day One[/h3][/center] The light was faint against his eyelids - the young goblin could barely see the figure in front of her. The dripping of water drops could be heard faintly, and the scenery showed that she was in a cavern of some sort. As she focused on the figure, she slowly saw it come into his view - her eyes were adjusting to the bright light. It was a shade of green, shorter than the average man, and wrinkles covered the creature like cracks in a porcelain doll. As she stared at it, a completely foreign word interjected into her mind. Goblin. A strange word. Foreign, alien, and almost threatening. A word you don't want to be in the same room with. Yet, at the same time, the young goblin was almost instinctively familiar with it and it's concept. It was a shock to see a being like this, and it took every fiber in his being to keep his eyes open long enough to hear the beast - before he immediately fell unconscious. [hr] [center][h3]Day Three[/h3][/center] The wrinkly Goblin had fed the young goblin the last few days, along with the other small green creatures. She was gifted clothes on his second day of existence - not a necessity, but it was nice to have the most minor of protections. Even though she had only been alive for three days, she was already decently tall - far taller than the human equivalent (Not that she knew about the humans). Briefly, she was shocked with her own growth - a few days prior, she was unable to even stand, let alone walk around. Soon, another goblin ran by the female goblin, and she jumped slightly back - the goblin was about her age, and was running full force. More than a few times, she tripped horribly and cut herself. The young goblin shook her head - Of course they would have lots of energy after growing so quickly, but that was simply foolish. No sense in wasting energy - especially considering their current abode was a cave. It took several minutes, but the young goblin soon mastered walking without tripping - taking it at an easy pace. She probably couldn't run as well as the other female goblin, but at least she wouldn't be complaining about a hungry stomach. As the female ran outside, the young goblin noticed a small gathering form around the elder - even a new born knew the vital nature of knowledge, and how it would assist her. The first thing that needed to be done was to gather information. She had to know everything she could about where she was, and why she was there - the sooner she got answers, the sooner she could get back to doing whatever needed to be done.