All I can say is that this is the true JJBA part 9 :^) ... with a mix of Skullgirls 2.0, kek... sad they never finished it completely. [hr] [@Dead Cruiser] ok, back to the way you described things with her. You put her ki levels at about, I dunno, above, above average when comparing the average nomad to her. Along with that, you described her more as a rushdown. With the tools in her kit right now, she comes off more as a shotoclone in that regards to attack, defense, speed, and her kit. You might need to retool her to make her sound more like the rushdown you thought she was... or make her a shotoclone. Speaking of retooling, back to the two things I mentioned earlier - descriptions and weaknesses. Could you change the description of your fighting style and moves to match her current strength at least? This is to avoid any confusion in the future for the most part. I know I'm reiterating what red covered, but could you at least do that? Along with that, retool her weakness and give her somethings that fit her rushdown nature, like obvious telegraphed attacks and not a whole lot of ways to protect herself... possibly dropping some attacks like the black hole one possibly, I dunno? If you want to focus on shotoclone, a weakness to list could be having her be balanced in all areas but not excel in any of them. Just a thought on her. Correct her and set her up once more and I shall review her again, but for now I need to deny her until these problems are addressed. [hr] [@Pirouette] Mori is a character that doesn't harbor a lot of problems for me. I only really have two issues with her - some portions of her backstory and one of her supers. Description and personality are superb, and the backstory I give a thumbs up to for right now. However, it does involve one of the user created organizations. it was not originally conceived by Kai, red, or I, but rather [@wxps350]. It is best if you discuss things with him over this and whether or not you have to change her backstory. Next, your moveset and fighting style. For one, I already see the synergy here and how she functions. She whittles away at opponents slowly and keeps her distance while pissing them off with debuffs. She seldom has any decent attacks and her only one that doesn't require two moves at once is a super. So good on you, save for Death and Decay. On paper, it sounds pretty neat. In practice, it basically permanently effects a character easily. I have two suggestions for how she could change it. One is having her sap a nomads ki temporarily. If they are fully drained, they will start to take more damage and have their health decrease until they leave the affected area or until the super comes to an end. With that said, when they get out of the area, they can regen their ki and not take more damage. Another thought is that maybe it could damage tools and equipment while lightly damaging them rather than temporarily draining their ki and doing the rest I described... with the same effects of gtfo of the zone that she has affected. Regardless, get that all sorted out because for now, I have to reject her. Interesting pixie chick though. [hr] [@wxps350] ok, so, personality, backstory, and descriptions check out. His fighting style is clearly defined and while the descriptions on his attacks are short, they get straight to the point. Weaknesses are clearly defined [i]both[/i] in his fighting style and psyche. Above all, I have no problem with him in the slightest. Punch Crusader fists his way into the nomadic fist! Accepted. Add him on with the rest of your characters. [hr] And last but not least, [@DracoLunaris]... The co-gms and I are having a bit of a discussion... so I can't exactly go over your character properly until we straighten some things out. Apologies.