[center]" There is no limit and you can take sip after sip for however long you want. But do keep in mind, these vials are the only two I have, so leave enough for the final performance." Angel frowned, looking over to Rodrigo, wondering why he wasn't asking any good questions like Ethan was. It was true that he could just make more of the vocal serum and give it to them if it ever wore out, but taking too much of it could have...unfortunate consequences. Which was why the vials were so small; so they couldn't overdose. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Ethan and Rodrigo that, or else they would never agree to this, so he kept it to himself. Instead, he stood up and Seraphim flicked the lights back on, " There are a few more things that I have to tell you. This school that you're going to, it's going to be in a different dimension then our own." Rodrigo took a sharp breath and jumped up from his seat, " What the hell! I've had it with interdimension bullshit! It's bad enough that I still have nightmares from that stupid cat amusement park all those years ago, but now you're sending us to a new one?!" He wouldn't dare punch Angel, for a number of reasons, but he felt really damn close to doing it. Angel kept his cool expression as he replied, " Normally I would stay away from interdimension travel, but I need this trophy Rodrigo. There is no other way than this." Collecting the UwaPri trophy could be the one thing to save Wiz from it's current state of affairs and he would much rather be there than standing in a different world, arguing with a simple boy. But his King and Bellerophon needed him, and he had to go through with this. Rodrigo fell silent and Angel continued after a beat, " Like I was saying, it's going to be different, but not much. There could be a chance that you will encounter people that you have already met before, but the only thing that will be the same is their face." He thought back to Valerio Mancini and how it was very possible that he lived in this alternate reality. " I cannot guarantee it, but you might meet...another version of myself." He choked out, ashamed. " WHATEVER you do, do not trust him and do not mention the possibilities of other worlds to these people. The last thing we need is one of them escaping and causing havoc in the universe." His mind flashed to parallel! Belzeneff escaping and going to Wiz and how confused everyone would be. He was taking a big chance by opening the gate to that world...but he had to take it.[/center]