[center] Ethan froze at the new information, muttering, "Different...dimension?" Too shocked to speak Ethan kept quiet as Rodrigo argued with Angel, listening intently to their words. Though, the mention of alternate versions of people he knew intrigued him and he wondered if it was possible to actually see a different Angel because if they were going to see him, it would probably be at the school he was sending him to. The thought of a pop idol Angel was amusing and would almost be worth getting dragged into this UwaPri Trophy mess. "So...Will this dimension be...strange?"he asked hesitantly, unsure of how to phrase his question. "Oh...but our dimension is probably the strange one, huh? With magic and strange cats and our powers...and I think I remember a talking bird with a gun once, getting mad at us for eating eggs for breakfast...er never mind...will that dimension be normal, especially since we aren't supposed to mention the different worlds? Or is it like here, where most people don't know about that supernatural magical stuff?" [/center]