[center] Great, Ethan thought, Smith is the most obvious fake name in America. Yeah, people will absolutely believe we're from some foreign country. He had never heard of those countries though so Ethan kept his comments to himself, for all he knew, Smith could be a legitimately common name in those European foreign countries. By the end of Angel's instructions, Ethan felt incredibly fascinated by his new high tech watch. He saw a spy movie the other night and now Ethan would get the chance to feel like a super secret agent on a mission. His first priority was now to talk into the watch to Rodrigo when they got to school with some sort of cool code name- "WHEN THE HELL DID THEY GET THERE?!" Snapped out of his fantasies by Rodrigo's sudden shouting, he glanced to the suitcases and wondered if Seraphim packed any snacks. He never did get to eat breakfast... "Thank you."he replied as Angel suddenly handed them wallets. Rodrigo then burst out laughing out of nowhere, and since Ethan had not looked inside his wallet or able to hear what Rodrigo was losing his sanity over, he felt completely lost. "Look great? Is it a picture of you two?"he asked, opening his own wallet to see what he had been looking at. He stared at the photo for a good solid minute before shutting it and looking at Rodrigo with amusement. "Yeah, Rodrigo, they do look fabulous. We better not show the picture to any philanderers otherwise people might want to hit on Seraphim." [/center]