[center]The thought of anyone trying to hit on Seraphim, their inexpressive and vacant Seraphim, made Rodrigo laugh harder until there were tears in his eyes and he was banging his fist against the table. Angel paused to clear his throat before continuing, speaking over Rodrigo's dying laughter, " Moving on, the gateway into this parallel universe will be open soon, so get ready to leave." He ushered both boys out of their chairs and herded them over to a white door that Rodrigo swore wasn't there before. There were many doors in Angel's shops that lead to different places, but they only ever opened for Angel himself and if Ethan or Rodrigo tried, they would just end up with a dingy storage closet. There was one particular door in Angel's room that they had specific instructions never to open, under any circumstance, and Rodrigo had always been curious as to where it lead to but never had the chance to find out. This door though, didn't look like anything special. Infact, it looked really beaten down and the wood was chipping off. Angel placed his hand in the center and placed to fingers to his forehead with the other, and began to recite a spell. Meanwhile, Seraphim handed Ethan and Rodrigo their suitcases and gave them a friendly pat on the shoulder, his way of saying goodbye. Angel completed his spell and the door suddenly sparkled and Rodrigo could faintly hear a catchy tune playing in the background. When Angel opened the door, the other side was completely black but the music got louder. " If you step through here, you'll be teleported to the Academy's doorstep. The headmaster has been alerted of your arrival, so he should be waiting." He gave Ethan and Rodrigo his own parting smile and held the door open for them, " Remember, let me know if you run into trouble and update me daily on your progress. Your goal is to capture the trophy, but don't forget to be yourself and have fun." Seraphim suddenly appeared again and shoved a piece of toast in each of their mouths, " You should get going, or else you'll be late for your first day of school," He said flatly and shoved them into the darkness. As soon as they were completely on the other side, Angel shut the door and the sparkles abruptly died, leaving the old rotting in it's place. He turned to Seraphim and shook his head, " I hope they succeed..." He trailed off. The fate of his homeworld rested on their shoulders and they had no clue. ~summary~ They are surrounded by S P A R K L E S and glitter and they land infront of the school's gates. Their appearances have changed so they can pass off as high schoolers.[/center]