[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmZmZmZmZi5WR0ZzYjNNLC4wAA,,/corruptor.ldr-regular.png[/img][/center] [center][b]LOCATION(s):[/b] [i]Street -> Kinko's[/i][/center] [center][b]INTERACTING WITH:[/b] [@Metronome][/center] Talos walked quietly down the dark, empty backstreets. Tonight, Centreville seemed to be sleeping. That was good. Less people meant less resistance in whatever he tried to do. As he turned a corner he saw a stumbling man, clearly intoxicated and clutching a bottle of beer in his shaking hand. The man looked up at Talos, seeing him as just another man, then collapsed in a drunken heap on the ground. The man was asleep in an instant. "Pathetic..." Talos muttered. He grabbed the bottle in his hands and cracked it in two, allowing the fluid to run down the street into the gutter. He dropped the remains and carried on walking. He came to less of a backstreet area, one that was lit more with street lamps. Still, however there was a lack of people in town tonight. The silence was deafening. There were shops around here. Perhaps Talos could salvage some items from one of them. He turned a corner to see a store, which he could see through the windows, was filled to the brim with gadgets and technology of a kind. This would do. Now Talos had to get in. He walked around to the back, looking for the back entrance to the store. He found it soon enough, and took off his flesh-coloured glove. He slid out a long, grey wire from a compartment in his finger and lent down to study the lock. Talos twisted the wire into shape and inserted it into the lock, which clicked open with ease. Talos walked into the store, placing the glove back on his finger and closing the door behind him. He searched through the quiet Kinko's for anything of interest. Copy machines? He had those already. Printers? Same story. He walked down the hall, glancing into rooms for something of interest. He noticed what appeared to be a 3D printer - he would definitely come back for that. As Talos walked further into the store, he heard something. The sound of a copy machine working. And another sound too... pacing footsteps. Someone else was here. A security guard, probably. Nobody he couldn't dispatch. He turned the corner where the source of the noise was coming from. It wasn't a security guard... it was two masked men. Talos immediately recognised one as the masked man from the helicopter incident on the news. Talos stood in the doorway, staring at the men with a cocked head, reaching for a knife.