[center]Rodrigo shook his head, feeling the same dizziness that Ethan was, and threw his piece of toast on the ground. All the sparkles had been too much to handle and made his head spin, he didn't even notice that they had changed clothes until Ethan pointed it out. " What the shit, you're right." He inspected the sleeve of his new clothes closely and frowned. He hated the color grey and from the looks of it, these were their new uniforms. " These are probably our uniforms," He repeated outloud and turned to Ethan, just now noticing the change to his features too, " Yeah, you look younger too! Oh man, I bet this is Angel's doing, damn him!" He cursed. He had already been through puberty once, thank you, and it was a blessing that he didn't remember any of it. The last thing he wanted to do was to go through it again! " This looks like a place where rich kids go," Rodrigo snuffed, suddenly defensive about this whole thing. Their mission was to win the UwaPri contest, and that was what he was going to do. He wasn't here to make friends, he was here to win! (Rodrigo is America's Next Top Model) He grabbed his suitcase and followed Ethan to the school's doors. Cherry blossoms lined the path from the gates to the front doors, making Rodrigo wonder what season they were currently in if cherry blossoms had bloomed already, but Angel did say this this universe was different from theirs, so for all he knew, cherry blossoms bloomed all year. As they approached the front doors, a white haired man pushed one open and greeted them with a warm smile. " Hello! You must be our new transfer students! You speak English, yes?" Rodrigo nodded and the stranger held the door for them so that they could walk through with their suitcases. " You're Rodrigo Smith, correct? And this is your brother? Ethan Smith? I'm the school's headmaster, Byakko, and it'll be a pleasure having you here! I'll show you to your dorm rooms and once you settle in, I'll take you to your classes."[/center]