[center] ~~ ETHAN ~~ "Well, at least we won't stick out too much for looking older than everyone else. It's bad enough we have to sing and dance on a stage, I don't want to get too much attention in class too."he sighed, before taking another look at the building. "Rich kids, huh? Yeah, it kinda does feel like that, doesn't it?"he replied wit a curious tone as he glanced ; Ethan still felt excited despite Rodrigo's annoyance with the place. The building felt familiar, really, but he had no idea why a "rich people place" would make him feel this way. He started to wonder if he ever attended a high school before he lost his memory, gazing at the cherry blossoms and wondering if they were in this alternate dimension's version of Japan. He could have sworn they were supposed to be in America though, were they even in America? Well, he supposed they could have just planted some trees. When they reached the front doors, a man with snow white hair appeared and for a split second he thought it was Angel until he realized it wasn't. "Oh, yes thank you headmaster."he replied politely as he was shook out of his thoughts. He silently followed Byakko, and before he knew it, they were in front of what he assumed was either his or Rodrigo's new dorm room. ~~ BELLEROPHON ~~ He could hear the running footsteps and yells of his classmates, as well as the yelling of Mr. Vargas, and the thuds of dodge balls hitting everything in sight. After getting himself purposely hit with a dodgeball, he was the first student out, and Bellerophon was now relaxing in the back corner of the gym while the game progressed without him. Sweat slid down his face as a blanket was draped around his body with only enough of his face unveiled for him to read the manga in his hands. "Hey, King!" Bellerophon continued staring at the page, not looking at the owner of the feminine voice as he replied in a bored tone, "Yes, Valentia?" "Why are you wearing that blanket on your head like a turban? And it's hot in here! How can you stand it?"he heard her complain, but he didn't expect for her to reach forward and pry the blanket away from him. He nearly dropped the book in surprise. Bellerophon frowned as he looked up at his classmate, giving her an irritated look as she stared at him with triumph, holding the blanket as if it were a trophy. He opened his mouth to speak, but she interrupted and spoke first. "Oh don't tell me this is because of your manga, again! You're reading a story with characters wearing turbans, aren't you?"she asked with obvious disapproval. Bellerophon's eyes lit up at the chance to speak about his manga. "Yes, it has characters living in the desert and they wear turbans. There is magic as well! I decided I needed to get into the spirit of the story by weari-" "But it's gym class and incredibly hot in here, King! You always do this, why didn't you pick one of your sports animes to cosplay in gym glass? Look at you, you're sweating like a sinner in church and you haven't even done anything. The kids actually participating in the game are sweating less than you."she scolded, using the blanket to wipe away the sweat from his forehead. Bellerophon rolled his eyes. "Yes, mother."he scoffed. He wouldn't call her a friend, but Valentia was still a nice acquaintance who tried talking to him sometimes during class even if she did tend to fuss over him as if she were his mother. She continued her lecture, but by now Bellerophon was tuning her out. Now that his pleasant manga was interrupted, he let himself think about what the Headmaster told him. ~ I'm getting a new roommate, today. I wonder if he'll mind all of my anime posters, figures, manga, and box collections that I decorated the room with? ~ [/center]