[b]"I am just as much as a slave as you are, boy," Ingrid sighed bitterly, "If I didn't know for certain that Ava & I would have been killed, I would have taken my baby away long ago." She kept her gaze toward the fireplace as she contemplated whether she should tell Ava's bodyguard about her situation. He did care enough to stay in a hellhole to protect Ava. "Ava isn't Jason's child," Ingrid admitted softly, "He's completely sterile. The fact that I had a child at all is thanks to his trickery; some time after our wedding night, Jason allowed one of his brother's to... have his way with me. Jason used the same spell to wipe my memories away as he probably used on Ava. Until I remembered how our child conceived, he was almost the perfect husband. But after I remembered... I had a choice to disappear, or come out here to live the rest of my days alone. & as you can imagine, I wasn't going to go the rest of my life without my child." Ingrid kept her eyes averted from Andreios, her eyes far-off, as though she were remembering something that took her concentration. Moment later she sighed, standing from her chair & looking back at Andreios. "Jason keeps me locked to this cottage with blood magic," Ingrid sighed, "But you can help Ava. She need to remember everything that happened & leave with you, If she doesn't remember soon-" "Remember what, Mama?" Ava asked curiously as she came into the room. Ingrid's expression immediately brightened at the sight of Ava, shaking her head at the young woman. "I was just telling your friend here that my memory isn't the same as it was," Ingrid lied, "I need to get my memory in order, or I'll always be worried you aren't coming to visit me anymore."[/b]