Our rooms weren't really all that much further from where we'd been standing talking to Isy. Along the walk I'd been struggling with my thoughts, but this time it wasn't just because of the siblings issues, or the big decision I was supposed to make tomorrow morning potentially regarding the next few years of my life. No. It was because of the fiery red haired girl striding along in front of me. I couldn't read her. That was the trickiest bit. Was she just teasing me, thinking I was ridiculous? Or was she actually sending some type of signal? If so, I wasn't receiving it... Or was I? I suddenly realised that I thought she was very pretty. Not that I hadn't noticed it before, I had just never taken it in. I was always too busy focusing on the words she said rather than what colour her eyes were or how many freckles she had dusting her cheek bones. Quite unexpectedly, a rush to learn more about this unusual hot-headed girl took over me. But that Rush was quickly dashed. I was being stupid. It didn't matter whether I'd be here for a few weeks or a few days, there was too much else happening to even think about something as trivial as a relationship. No, I couldn't allow myself such luxuries at this point in time. Not with everything else happening. "Well, here we are." She said not ten minutes since we'd left the hallway where Joe and Spencer's emotions reached their boiling point. "Thanks for your help, Isy. Appreciate it." I nodded at her before pushing Daisy down the white hall we'd stopped at the end of. "You alright from here?" I asked as we came to a stop outside of her doorway. Glancing over my shoulder, I chanced a peek and caught the end of Isy's bright plait whipping out of sight.