[center] ~~ VENCENTIO ~~ To: Byakko Subject -> RE: New students You say there's new students? I'm on my way. ~~ ETHAN ~~ "I think you roommate likes anime, Rodrigo."he deadpanned, his eyes scanning the room and landing on the figures. One row looked like it was dedicated exclusively to figures created out of gold material and he wondered if that was real gold. So far this Bellerophon King fellow seemed like a rich kid who spent all of his allowance on merchandise. Ethan patted Rodrigo on the back, whispering "good luck" into his ear before leaving with Byakko. - "Yeah, I've never really heard of these Bel names."he replied casually to the headmaster, stepping inside the room to get a better look. There was nothing on the walls or any type of decoration that he could see from just a quick glance. It felt...empty, and plain, almost the exact opposite of Rodrigo's room so he had no idea what to expect from his roommate. Did someone even really live here? "Alright, thank you sir."he replied politely before the door closed behind him. He opened his suitcase and began to toss his clothes onto his bed, planning on organizing his stuff after removing everything from the suitcase. Ethan honestly had no idea how to proper unpack and he hoped that his roommate wouldn't mind the temporary mess he made. Ten minutes later, still unsuccessful in his packing, he heard a knock on the door. He nearly tripped over one of his socks that had fallen onto the floor but he managed to walk across the room without hurting himself. When he opened the door, he met eyes with a man with a stare that made him want to crawl into his bed; this man looked like some sort of mafia member. "Hello, you must be Ethan Smith. I'm Mr. Russello."he introduced with a friendly smile, making Ethan feel ashamed for thinking he looked scary, "I'll be showing you and your brother around the school, if you're ready of course." ~~ VENCENTIO ~~ "You and your brother are juniors, right? I'm the history teacher for both juniors and seniors, so we'll see each other a lot during this school year. History is very interesting and I try to make my students feel that way as well. Humans have always done cruel things to one another, you know? War is just one example."he explained, another one of his passionate lectures of history beginning as he led his future student towards Rodrigo's dorm room. "But, the media is just as important in war as weapons. Most conflicts are fought on at least two grounds: the battlefield and the people, via propaganda. Media has influenced the most recent wars in this country, such as the Committee on Public Information using films, cartoons, and speeches to strengthen American involvement for World War 1. The media was again used to gather support from American citizens in World War 2 by presenting Adolf Hitler as a threat to peace, and for Vietnam, the opposite occurred when negative coverage on television changed public opinion and created anti-war movements! Why, Vietnam war veterans were stereotyped after the war and called names such as "baby killers" as a result of what was being shown on television!" "O-oh..."he heard Ethan mutter, but Vencentio merely smiled. "I've gone on another tirade, excuse me. You'll probably hear more of my lectures during class today. Ah, here we are."he said, knocking on Rodrigo's door. [/center]