[center]Rodrigo was scared to touch anything on his roommate's side of the room, incase he broke an action figure, but he was curious. After unpacking all of his clothes--which weren't even his favorite outfits thank you very much Seraphim-- he couldn't help but he curious about his new roommate, so he decided to investigate. There were so many figurines that he didn't know where to start, but there was a certain group of characters that caught his attention. " Are those basketball players??" He questioned, observing a figurine of a blue haired boy wearing a jersey. It read "Kukoro no Basuke" and Rodrigo didn't know what that meant in English, but it probably had something to do with basketball. Next to him was a pink haired girl with a super puffy skirt and Rodrigo was reminded of Sailor Foon, one of the only anime shows he watched while growing up. The girl's name was Swagdoka, which was weird, but Rodrigo carried on down the line of figurines. There was one called Ravioli, who was taller than anyone else on the shelf; Tawaki Souh, a blonde haired prettyboy who had an obsession with roses; Haruca who was bundled up in so much clothing that the only piece of skin showing was his face; Inuwasha, who was a half dog/ half human dude and after that Rodrigo gave up, deciding that he no longer cared. The anime world was just too strange for him and he went back to his own side, just in time for there to be a knock at his door. He expected to Ethan to be at the door but was surprised when there was an older guy there with him. " Who're you?" He questioned, looking over the guy's punk-rock attire and automatically dismissed him for being a teacher.[/center]