[center][b]RODRIGO[/b] " Dunno," Rodrigo sighed, looking over his schedule as Ethan rested on his shoulder, " Probably because we don't remember our own highschool experience, so this is his fucked up way for making up for it?" He crumpled up the schedule and stuffed it in his pocket, nudging his shoulder to wake Ethan up, " C'mon, we might as well go back to our dorms and get ready...for class." He felt weird just saying it. He was a 24 year old man stuck in highschool, with nothing but teenagers, and Rodrigo could already tell that this was going to be exhausting. [b]x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -x[/b] Bing, bong, bing ~ 1st period has ended. Students have 5 minutes of personal time before moving on to their next class. [b]x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -[/b] [b]VALOR[/b] The sun was warm against his back and he could feel the sweat trickle down his face, but Valor continued running his laps, easily passing by a group of attractive girls. Since he had football practice after school, the track coach let him train in the mornings during the girl's track team practice. With such a busy schedule, he had to decide which club to attend on certain days, but ultimately basketball and swimming had most of his attention, since he was the captain of both and would most likely loose his position if he missed too many days. But track was fun too, and he enjoyed running and feeling the wind on his face. Plus, the girls were nice too. He came to a stop after passing the finish line and jogged over to the water bench for a cold bottle of water. In the distance, he heard the bell ring, signaling the end of first period, and he wondered what his precious Azure was doing right then. Maybe collecting his books to go to the next class? Stopping at the water fountain for a quick drink? If so, Valor hurriedly opened the bottle and gulped it down, excited that he and his beloved where sharing in the same experiences even when they were apart. " Valor! There you are!" He heard from behind him and he stopped chugging down the water, turning to give a warm smile to the girl, the girl's track team captain, approaching him. " It's good to see you at practice today! You've been missing out on the last few sessions." Her tone was light and friendly, and wasn't judgmental at all. " Ah, yeah, my first period teacher kept getting mad at me for skipping all the time." He laughed lightly as he grabbed his towel off the bench to wipe off the sweat. " But my grades are back to normal now, so I can afford a few more absences." " Oh! Well, that's good. I've missed seeing you around here..." Suddenly realizing what she said, her face turned pink, " U-um, not like that! I-I mean we've all missed you, the rest of the team...I mean." She stuttered, Valor's sunny smile not faltering once. " Well I have to get to class now! Mr. Madore isn't so lenient on absences unfortunately." He started to gather his sports bag off the bench but the Captain stopped him, " Wait! I have something to ask you real quick!" Valor continued to pack his things, but stayed in place, " What is it?" " Uh, well, there is this concert happening this weekend, and I know you have a busy schedule and all, but if you have the time...would you like to go?" She produced two tickets and held them out to him. Valor's eyes lit up and he excitedly took them, " Oh wow! These are for me?! Are you sure?" " Yeah! We can-" " Oh wow, this is great! I was trying to find a reason to hang out with Azure this weekend, and this is perfect! There is no way he can turn down a free concert!" His cheeks turned pink at the thought of Seiryuu actually enjoying spending time with him. " This is amazing Emily, thank you so much! I owe you BIG time!" He hugged her tightly, but pulled away seconds later, still too excited over the tickets and he carefully tucked them away in his bag. " See you tomorrow! Thanks again!" He waved as he ran off towards the academic building, leaving the track captain stunned in silence, wondering what had just happened.[/center]