[center][b]VALOR[/b] Valor tried not to run to class, having just ran laps in track practice, but he was so excited to get to second period that his feet couldn't help but carry him faster. He had been late to school that morning and had failed to see Azure before school started, so second period would be the first time seeing him that day. He sprinted towards the main building, accidentally pushing past two students. " Sorry!!" He called back, unwilling to stop and apologize properly. Bu het had been so busy apologizing to those two that he didn't see the other pair just infront of them and physically crashed into one of them. " Sorry! Sorry! I didn't see you!" He jumped to his feet, helping the other guy up, who turned out to be Cepheus from the group Glamour. Beside him was Lucifel and Valor felt a cold shiver run down his spine. " Like I said I'm sorry, really sorry! Please don't curse me!" He didn't know if Lucifel participated in dark magic or not, but it honestly wouldn't surprise him if he did. Once making sure Cephues was okay, he apologized again and set off to class, hoping to still have some free time to talk to Azure before Mr.Madore started his lesson. His class was on the first floor so Valor didn't have to worry about running up stairs to reach his class quickly. He swiftly opened the door to Mr.Madore's class, almost tripping over himself as he ran towards Azure's desk where he was writing in his notebook. What a great student! " Go...Good morning! Azure..." He panted, rubbing his face with his hands to wipe of the sweat. He then reached into his bag and took out the tickets that Emily had given him, showing them to Azure. " Do you wanna go to a concert with me? It's this weekend! I mean, I don't know if you're busy or not, but if you are I can get us some new ones for another day. Maybe for a band you really like???" He asked hopefully. [b]RODRIGO[/b] Rodrigo spotted the two strange guys infront of them around the same time Ethan did. And yep, yep, those were horns on his head. " I fucking hate this school already." Rodrigo said, looking at the cape. " I really hope not," he answered Ethan, sharing the same fears that they were going to share a class together. Just then, a blonde guy bumped into him, muttering a half assed apology before moving on. " Hey you fucking asshat, learn some fucking manners!" Rodrigo yelled at him, but was ignored when the same rude blonde guy ran into the "Hellhound Cepheus." They started to talk about curses and other shit and Rodrigo felt like turning back and returning to their own Earth. " I swear, everyone here is insane!"[/center]