[hider=El Asesino] [center][color=ed1c24][b][i][h3]"HERE COMES EL ASESINO!"[/h3][/i][/b][/color][/center] [img]https://image.ibb.co/cRFgTH/image.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f][center][b]____________________________________________________________________________[/b][/center][/color] [b]Height-6'2[/b] [b]Weight-200 Lbs[/b] [b]An eight year professional.[/b] [b]Birth Name-Garcia Santos[/b] [b]Hails From-Tijuana, Mexico [/b] [b]Born-March 10th, 1988 (29 Years Old)[/b] [b]Fighting Style;[/b] El Asesino's fighting style is built around durability and endurance. He tends to conserve energy early in the match by baiting his opponent with light attacks mixed with taunting and patience. He attempts to simply exhaust his opponent by getting them to "chase him", relying on his agility and speed, and then striking with light low-energy attacks. When he begins to notice a drop in opponent energy and signs of exhaustion, he attacks full bore with his reserved energy, aiming for disabling or stunning his opponent and then tying up for the three count. Occasionally throughout the match, if he sees an opening, he will make several attempts at forced submission, though he does not always follow this tactic. [b]Signature Moves[/b] -[b]Pile Driver[/b] -[b]Thesz Press[/b] -[b]Mongolian Chop[/b] -[b]Throat Thrust[/b] [b]Finishing Moves[/b] -[b]Aerial Axe Handle[/b] -[b]Cactus Clothesline[/b] [b]Theme[/b]; [u][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=towurK613bg]"Red Wine" by Alma Libre[/url][/u] [b]Gimmick;[/b] The energetic, aggressive Luchadore', El Asesino holds a very aggressive and assertive air, which he enforces with a loud mouth, threatening hand signs, and a coarse, harsh voice. El Asesino carries himself as the sporadic yet mysterious masked man of the AWE, an image he intends to remain as the imprint of his legacy. [b]Face or Heel-Tween (Anti-Hero)[/b] [b]Backstage Rep;[/b] Firstly, El Asesino always keeps his mask on, backstage or in press conference, he is always seen in a uniquely colored suit that flatters the red coloring of his mask. No one knows his true face. As far as his personality, El Asesino presents a very assertive and somewhat overconfident (though not arrogant) image of himself, though he usually has the skill and power to back up his talk. Often when infuriated he will spout off lewd or profane grammar in Spanish at his opponent or whoever it is that has has riled him. [b]Other;[/b] Face Claim-Richard Coca with a buzz cut and a goatee. [/hider]