Reptilian eyes wandered over the open area around the walls of the City of Ashe. The bodies cut in half piqued his curiosity, he'd have to get closer to get a better idea of what happened. The ones adorned with a ten foot spear were less interesting but equally as dead as the rest. Those dully glowing eyes flicked up, taking in the sight of the 'praying' corpses speared high on the walls. The others chatted among themselves while the giant among them looked over the field. The wind changed direction bringing the stench of decay, but the great bestial man didn't shy away or flinch. He inhaled deeply, trying to catch the scent of anything else but a dead body, decaying clothes, or rusting metal. Glancing to the side he looked at the diminutive elven being, River, with a dull look. [color=red]"Two hours just in case Anora has orders possibly. Would be kind of mean to leave and have a lone messenger wander about here aimlessly...."[/color] He rumbled, his voice unsurprisingly deep but kept quiet so it didn't boom off into the distance. One of the others spoke up, Lanithil, about whatever doing this not being mindless. [color=red]"The speared corpses had time and effort put into them. The ones cut in half were not. Could be multiple sane and multiple insane, but controlled, people."[/color] He said, gesturing to the cleaved corpses. [color=red]"Whatever did some of this wasn't human. It's nearly impossible for a human to cut another in half. So if those bodies are a single clean strike then something stronger was here..."[/color] He stated, but he'd need to get closer to inspect the bodies. Two of the scout party were making a little joke here and there, something possibly necessary to stem the tide of horror brought on by the swath of bodies.