[center][IMG]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/3/3f/Andrew-garfield-spider-man.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20120710041247[/IMG][/center] [hr] [hr] [h1][center][color=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter Monroe[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [hr] Hunter rushed out of his room shirt in hand and excitement on his mind! He had finally gotten good enough grades to graduate from highschool, and soon he was about to go on a road trip that would take him far away from home, and onto an adventure that he wouldn't otherwise be able to participate in. But first, he needed to make sure he actually arrived at graduation, and the rehearsal. It would be foolish to make it this far and then lose it all to missing rehearsal. He ran into the bathroom cutting off his younger sister by mere seconds. "[b]ASSHOLE![/b]" She shouted as he locked the door. "[color=DeepSkyBlue]Busy day, my things are priority over yours, if you have a complaint the trash bin is in the kitchen still![/color]" This only pissed her off more, but Hunter didn't care, he had a busy day and he was always getting into trouble against his siblings. Once he had done everything he needed to do he ran to the kitchen, said hello to his mom, grabbed a fist full of pancakes (Which honestly did more harm to the pancakes then actually grabbing them) and he ran outside to car number four of the school year. Most the cars Hunter owned were junkers that his father decided were not worth saving other then select parts, so Hunter got permission to run them until they died. Most of them did not live long enough to replace the oil, but he didn't care, it saved walking a few miles into town. Once he threw in his things into the old junker car he got in and got ready to start, promptly realizing he forgot the graduation gown. "[color=DeepSkyBlue]SHIT![/color]" He ran back into the house where his mom stopped him. "[b]Do you want to tell me why you're wearing that to your graduation young man?[/b]" Referring to his T-shirt and cargo shorts. "[color=DeepSkyBlue]Well... You see... No one is going to see what's on underneath anyways?And with that we're going to a party after so... That. Also....[/color]" He was trying to think of a reason that would convince her, personal comfort meant nothing to moms when it came situations like this. "[color=DeepSkyBlue]The party may ruin my good clothes, and... My car is a mess, a terrible mess, there's no telling what kind of stains or smudges my good clothes will get in there![/color]" She didn't seem convinced, but she shrugged and sent him on his way. He ran back to his room where his graduation gown was hanging on the back of his door, still wrapped in plastic, he refused to open it before graduation, fearing that he would ruin it just by looking at it too hard. He grabbed it with delicate hands and ran back to his car, where he promptly threw it on the passenger seat of his car. Almost as if he forgot he was supposed to take care of it. But now even though he had plenty of time he was worried about being late to his own graduation, reason took a back burner as panic took the wheel of his shitty old car. As happened some mornings, the car refused to go more then a few feet before it quit on him. He knew this day was coming, but he was hoping it would make it until he got back at the very least. He tried to start it a few more times before he gave up and tried to think of a new plan to get to town, and to graduation. "[color=DeepSkyBlue]Okay, okay![/color]" He said panicked as he almost pulled out his hair. "[color=DeepSkyBlue]I just... need to make it about seven miles without a car.... Shit...[/color]" That was starting to become his favorite word of the morning. Once he was in town he figured he could solve all his issues from there. He ran back to a shed on the back of the property where he pulled out his old bike, one he hadn't used in about two years, and even then it wasn't maintained much. He put on his backpack and hooked his gown to the bag, folding it over part way down to make sure it dind't get stuck in the back wheel of his bike. He almost considered asking his dad for a ride, but he was normally gone by this point out buying old cars for cheap and sorting scrap. He biked harder then he ever had on his bike, partially because he was a bit out of shape from not biking, and partially because panic told him to go as fast as he could otherwise he would be late. He wasn't late, but he was tired and sore by the time he was ready for rehearsal. [hr] Graduation went well, he got his diploma and cheered as loud as he could when it was all said and done. Part of his was worried that the event would take too long, but it wasn't bad once bit, he was excited with every name that was called. He had family come from all over the area to witness this for him, it was one of the happiest moments of his life, and for the first time in years, he felt like he had done something useful in his life. When everything was over, he put his gown in the back of the family van and got rid of the now muddy plastic that used to cover it. He then grabbed a gallon jug of tea from the back and started looking for his friends before he went over to a party being held by someone from the football team. He really didn't know anyone on the team well, but he figured he could still have a good time. This, was the first day, in the newest chapter in his life.